Monday, August 19, 2019

The Trap in Collectivism

Socialists talk about all profits going to labor which would cause a rapid inflation and money to lose value. It becomes too expensive for the system and is not sustainable. The capitalist refers to the same self-fulfilling reality and uses the example of the financial risk taken by the investor versus the man performing a very “low skill” job to justify further enrichment. Except the count should be more like one in relation to one hundred, one thousand and even a million of men, a much different count. Money as well as the investor are worth more and become stronger if people have less of it (or there are fewer rich people), like a commodity. The best we can hope for with these metrics is better wages and trying to invest in infrastructure as much as possible.

So, we can’t fix it with some fiscal equality; if there is no enrichment the currency is worth nothing. If everybody has a million dollars nobody is a millionaire, prices skyrocket, the currency loses value and we are back to square one. The currency or commodity will always push for the enrichment between production, wages, and consumption, “do more with less for more” which is universal.  In the past we’ve attempted to collect the currency in different ways producing more or less enrichment, and have recognized the problem with these metrics. 

We must integrate the environment so we are going to let it accumulate at the top which produces the enrichment, we are going to try some other formulas like taxing and blind redistribution of wealth which produces the pollution and inflation, or we are going to curb the addiction and somehow make money lose value in our lives. So, when we “do more with less for more” we are not causing enrichment and more friction but generating time, quality time. It goes back to the internal conflict and what is it going to do for you, your reason, your currency.

The financial system takes advantage of one universal principle, the results are (quantifiably) bigger than the sum of the parts, but what happens to “do more with less for more” when we are talking about transcultural integration as a currency and affirmative action, like political correctness and the diversity cult, all the wrong reasons. Do they produce the enrichment and the friction as well, do they force you to suppress and repress to lower your “production cost”? Do they cause you to lower your standards and play to some other bottom line? And what happens when we combine it with the financial scourge afflicting the world. The visceral hatred coming out of some communities engrained also in our justice system is not just a historical fact, they have become a danger to civilized society. They have degraded into a form of decadence and the old economic arguments just don’t work anymore. The historical argument about racism and segregation are also incomplete by default and by nature of population growth and a demand that requires a different reconciliation, and that’s the predicament of enrichment, a conflict that is both real and the result of a gross generalization.

 The deception is making things very personal and hiding the “undisclosed quantity”. A black girl that needs to be escorted to an all white school, a child that dies in the custody of the border patrol, African American guys are refused service in a restaurant, Rosa Parks demands to seat in the front of the bus. All unacceptable situations that elicit our compassion but require our understanding. They turn these events into the moral currency to produce the rush to judgement and collective euphoria that might even imply the complete negation of the environment, because they become the overriding criteria. From this we get the new sins, a revised concept of racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and many other phobias and deformities of convenience that allow them to continue to sell the decadence.

 I’m not ignoring the systematic oppression and the abuses. I know about the exploitation of the resources and financial enrichment. I know about big corporation and multinationals pillaging the environment, but I also know about the repressive attempts at integrating the environment, the evangelization of the struggle and the conjugation of the crypto-communist and the global financier by the agents of the New World Order, the trap in the collective reaction. I know about Hollywood painting the picture for me using President Trump like the bogyman to poison our minds and make us buy their disease and run for the hills. What else is there, go see Vice and you’ll understand why everything is so messed up…. Of course it has nothing to do with the subcultural integration, the ethical sanctuaries and the insidious violation of the law and every social rule there is, nothing to do to do with moral depravation and their perverted ways. It’s all the fascist right’s fault, you stupid ape.... Again they play both sides of the field, and carried out a brilliant double move to take us down.

 It's all about commoditization and the emotional and economic enrichment. There is a difference between embracing diversity and welcoming people that contribute to the culture, and the Diversity Orthodoxy that proposes endless revisions and the destruction of every custom and tradition. Have you ever asked yourself why Native Americans are conservatives when it come to their values and traditions, and do not embrace the deception of the diversity orthodoxy? Even though they might stand with just about anybody against the so called “white establishment” for other historical reasons. We have to be able to make the distinctions.

 The supranational integration of every ethnicity, culture and creed under the suede of a financial oligarchy and the special interest of a corrupt political establishment is not just the most speculative integration but the biggest fraud committee on the United States and the world. The distance from London to Jerusalem and from Finland to the Sahara. You would have to destroy France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal, The Netherlands, Greece, Turkey, Poland, Norway, Rumania and every other culture, which is what they are doing with the European Union, the Islamization and Africanization of Europe as in America. In reality it proposes the end of times, agglutinating over zero space in zero time, and that is the deception of the Time Paradox.



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