Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Hunger Games

What exposes the problem to me is a secret game set up between two competing factions and a subject who unfortunately happens to be me. It is “played” between the right and left elites in America and hosted by the ghost entity. It is seemingly intended to radicalize using a reward-punishment system that includes retaliating against the environment every time my performance becomes “unacceptable” or someone tries to expose the problem, all while the agony of my predicament is broadcasted to a select few. More importantly the captive audience becomes unable to anticipate its own fate and the imminent disaster. In this context their agenda gets traction, we develop Stockholm syndrome and lose track of the carnage.

This scheme allows them to do exactly what they want, put pressure on humans' political structures, corrupt and divide, establishing comfort zones and the favorable exchange to guarantee a dominant position, commoditize under the kluge of a political game and raise the stakes in the name of trade. It plays to a rhythm to get behind the pressure, making a concession only in that context and by necessity as it constricts, pulling back as an investment, like the predator suggesting it hurts less if you give up, as it confesses the bad intentions, relax, relax, and fall back. 

They spend years creating the conditions that would become significant in the context of the game, building the structures that would allow them to emasculate one day, connections that fulfill their own prophecies, and cause many of the accidents and “natural disasters”. The game is only intended to anchor down in order to claim our memories and erase it all, and depends heavily on people passing down the pain to somebody else behind the sports analogy and business veneer, on stirring the passions and the promise of safe heaven but also on the magic of television and technology.

Like the enterprise that depends heavily on deception, making war on mankind while we lose track of the trade and the evil that grows within…until we are bankrupt. Keeping us oblivious, which means it needs to stroke society with the soft touch of the occult. This is how they have been able to influence human politics, through the manic prophets and the coerced leaders, the environment of perpetual war and division that continues to threaten the world, the price of the mass delusion which could become more catastrophic today. The breeding grounds where one powerful man could destroy the world.

Unfortunately, it’s a losing proposition that generates the incentives and causes much of the misery, traps you in the grinder because you can’t pull from the tension, becomes too big to fail. There is an immediate empowerment that comes with the truth, the source of much of the tension vanishes regardless of the reality, which must be seen. Things take on a much different dimension tipping the scale of balance and redefining the spaces. It is how we wrap around the pressure, and the reason why we can’t look back at Medusa. If we could quantify throughout history, we would find out that we have no choice, we need the global awareness.

It tests the possibility of taking god’s subversive position through a different kind of global network where some individuals become the inadvertent leaders of a new church, filtering down new assumptions in the context of an understanding of reality and Alien phenomena that could be deceiving, including the indigestible dogmas used to clamp down on the environment. In that context the most disturbing confession is the contempt for humanity, the only options are being consumed and confrontation. It too comes with the propaganda and “commercials” in contrast to the systematic pressure, proliferating mostly behind America’s own corrupt sin to create the perfect storm, the eclectic configuration where we trade places internalizing a payload…the flood we’ve been waiting for.

It’s been seventeen years since I received that fateful letter from the Illuminati and the haunting started. I found out that they had been following most of my life and that I was taken from Cuba at a very young age to play this role in a perverse plan that might include some kind of sacrifice symbolic of a vanquishing timeline involving Osama, Obama, Fidel, Putin, and Maduro, a timeline full of theological associations and metaphysical connections.

I am held in place as a torrent of information in thrown at me, making me consume in my desperation pieces of truth and a lot of garbage with the sole purpose of flushing me from reality. With the capacity to inflict pain with their favorite weapon they impugn every movement and my general capacity to function, possibly even to survive… Like “The Mothman Prophecies and Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind they are able to submit images and thoughts in order to influence people into doing what they want, either drive them insane or serve a much bigger purpose in their Machiavellic scheme. Most of the time people don’t know they are being manipulated although on occasion this secret is revealed. They’ve done a wonderful job of hiding behind the paranormal and Ufology as part of the environmental enrichment.

 Apparently, they’ve been doing this since Roman times and the Greek’s Oracle, and the real purpose is to keep man in perpetual conflict. In Rome the cult maintenance of major deities was traditionally preserved for the hereditary Elite and establishment politicians. Magistrates sought divine opinion through an Augur, who read the divine will through observations made within the Templum, before and after an act of sacrifice, and the children were sent to Etruria to master the art of “divinity”.




In The Beggining (Shadow Goverment)

In the beginning there was deception, the history of the human race is a story of survival, the fortuitous intersection in time and place of two species. It turns out that we were not alone in the universe and Earth is a precious commodity. That humanity has been the subject of a systematic assault from a hidden enemy and manipulations intended to subjugate man and eventually take over the planet, the higher power’s price into extinction delusion massaging fatiguing and breaking down the information in the context of a moral and economic aggression.

Remaining anonymous was essential to generate the subliminal pressures and set the world on fire, the ridiculous quest of mutual nullification and the dehumanizing cost of competition, corrupt the cultures and through enrichment negate the relationships that sustain life, the distance between the demand and the capacity, the question and the answer, space and time. The only true creation was the creation of god and the financial churches, the addiction that grinds you down loading you with explosive potential, the metaphysical paradox that produces the hole in your reality and makes you come undone. 

Meet the perpetrators and the real missing link in human history, extraterrestrial beings we’ve come to know as deities, the Eye of Providence, master race. Apparently, they come from Saturn, as in Satan and The Lord of the Rings. They are the forces behind secret societies like the Illuminati and the Freemason, and the conspiracy we know as The New World Order and Globalization. It is they who have been operating incognitos, playing god and the devil, shifting the arguments and blurring the lines, using human surrogates in a franchise manner to make us fight amongst ourselves in wars where they suffer no casualties and can always distance themselves from one side or the other. 

In 1875 Helena Petrovna Blavatsky had written a book called “The Secret Doctrine” in which she claimed to have been shown the future of mankind and other secrets of the universe during a trip to Tibet. She claimed that she was led into a secret room underneath a monastery where a Hidden Masters Race thought her about the rise of the Arian race and the magic symbol the swastika. These ideas proliferated through several societies including “The order of the New Templars” created by Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels father of Germany’s National Socialism to whom supposedly the runes had revealed the meaning of the primeval Arian race, which became the foundation of Germanic Nazi ideology.

By 1933 the Nazi belief that they could become equal to the Master Race inside Hollow Earth through esoteric concepts and the existence of The Vril Society were revealed. Two infamous Nazis besides Hitler himself were amount the notorious members of The Vril Society, Hermann Göring and Heinrich Himmler who was the Grandmaster of several Masonic Lodges and had Satanic and Black Magic masses organized in several castles along Germany. Dierich Eckart who was also a well-known occultist wrote:

Our Father Adolf

Who art on earth

Hollowed by thy name

The Third Reich Come…

Most historians agree that without passage of The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 Lord Grey would not have been able to start World War One. The measure imposing the foreign financial slavery was rushed through on a flood of propaganda coming out of Wellington House just in time for the hostilities that begun that horrible conflagration. One the most interesting historical facts is that before the measure was sent to Pres. Wilson a copy was given to Colonel Edward Mandel as the representative of Wellington House and the British oligarchy represented by the banker, J.P. Morgan. 

Wellington House was the more common name for Britain's War Propaganda Bureau, which operated during World War I. It operated under the supervision of the Foreign Office and its mission was manipulating public opinion Allied nations and neutral countries, especially the United States. By 1936 Wellington House, now Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, was once again working its magic for a second time. The United States was put on a fast track to fulfill its destiny, propelled into a New World Order by the Republicans who have been taken over by the scientists of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations. 

The Bank of England assumed control of the United States when its agent J.P. Morgan took over 25% of American business during the T.R. Roosevelt administration (1901-1909). The hackers were part of a network called the “Club of the Isles” which is a secret society of predominantly European aristocrats that includes the Queen. The Club of the Isles is thought to be a variation of the Committee of 300 which was founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. It commands trillions of dollars in assets and lords over such corporate giants as Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, and Anglo-American DeBeers. It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials; and deploys these assets at the disposal of its geopolitical agenda.

The Committee of 300 are the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from the period 1509-1715 establishing a new, more virulent, Anglo-Saxon strain of the oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium... They are the Financial Oligarchy behind the power of the Windsor throne. In 1917, Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich wrote in his book “The Secret Government or Hidden Hand” that the Committee of 300 was headed by the Rothschild Family and international financiers based loosely around many of the top national banking institutions and royal families of the world.

Arthur Cherep Spiridovich was a Russian loyalist and author who moved to the United States following the Jewish usurpation in Russia in 1917. Other historians have also been able to trace the financial scourge afflicting the countries of the world to the migration of the Venetian mercantile oligarchy to England more than 300 years ago and “The Protocol of the Elders of Zion”.

In recent times The Club of Rome has been one of the most important policy agents of the Committee of 300 along with the Bilderberg. The Club of Rome was put together in 1968 from hard-core members of the original Morgenthau group on the basis of a call made by the late Aurellio Peccei for a new and urgent drive to speed up the plans of the One World Government. Peccei's call was answered by the most subversive “progressive planners” from the United States, France, Sweden, Britain, Switzerland and Japan. 

Central to the philosophy and formation of the Club of Rome was Peccei's concept of the problematic that viewing the problems of mankind individually and in isolation, or as "problems capable of being solved in their own terms", was doomed to failure. "It is this generalized meta-problem (or meta-system of problems) which we have called and shall continue to call the "problematic" that inheres in our situation”. He referred to a “collective responsibility” which he them continued to use against the concept of independent nation-states emphasizing how destructive they have been to progress and the development of mankind and promote the Globalization process. 

The Club of Rome generated public attention in 1972 with the first report Limits to Growth in which it stipulated that economic growth could not continue forever in a finite resources world. This report was followed by its second one Mankind at the Turning Point in which it suggested that all the contributing factors were under human control therefore the future was not so bleak, the environmental catastrophe was preventable. 

But In 1993 they published The First Global Revolution in which they suggest that humans look obsessively for a common enemy to justify their own failures and external conflicts to unite their nations, real or made up, and dismisses the problems in some sort of pathological tendency. It goes on to say that with the disappearance of traditional enemies after the Cold War the temptation was to use religious or ethnic minorities as scapegoats, those who differ from the majority, and that we also came up with the threat of global warming, pollution, water shortages, famine and the like.... Humanity was therefore the real enemy. In the end it seems to be a manipulation of the (scientific) evidence, as it often is, to  promote the New Order, using the scare tactics and dooms day scenario, which might be real or made up.    

It’s worth noting that communist leader Pol Pot’s genocidal plans were orchestrated by the Club of Rome in the United States, overseen by Thomas Enders, a high-ranking State Department official. During his time as leader of Cambodia Pol Pot attempted to “cleanse” the country, resulting in the deaths of about two million people. His government collapsed in 1979 but he continued to operate from the border region where he clung to some power with the United Nations recognition.

Peccei never tired of preaching against the nation-state and how destructive they are for the progress of mankind. He called for "collective responsibility." Nationalism was a cancer on man was the theme of several important speeches delivered by Peccei. His close friend Ervin Lazlo produced a work in 1977 in a similar vein which was called "Goals of Mankind," a landmark study for the Club of Rome. The entire position paper was a vitriolic attack on industrial expansion and urban growth. Throughout these years, Kissinger, as the designated contact man, kept in close touch with Moscow on behalf of the RIIA. "Global modeling" papers were regularly shared with Kissinger's friends in the Kremlin.

Regarding the Third World, Club of Rome’s Harland Cleveland prepared a report in which he said that it would be up to Third World nations to decide which populations should be eliminated. At the time he was also United States Ambassador to NATO. As Peccei later wrote: "Damaged by conflicting policies of three major countries and blocs, roughly patched up here and there, the existing international economic order is visibly coming apart at the seams....The prospect of the necessity of the recourse to triage- - deciding who must be saved--is a very grim one indeed. But, if lamentably, events should come to such a pass, the right to make such decisions cannot be left to just a few nations because it would lend themselves to ominous power over life of the world's hungry."

It is obvious that they were sentencing the less fortunate and African nations to a certain death, especially sub-Sahara nations. The Committee of 300 had already abrogated the decisions of life and death unto itself, and Peccei knew it. In his book "Limits of Growth” he had completely dismissed industrial and agricultural progress and in its place demanded that the world come under one coordinating council, the Club of Rome and its NATO institutions in a One World Government.

The Committee of 300 “determined” a long ago that the population of the world had to be reduces, in order build a “better world”. The multitudes of useless consumers depleting scarce natural resources were to be discarded. This called for an attack upon Christianity; the slow disintegration of industrial nation states; the elimination of hundreds of millions of people, referred to by the Olympias as they are also known to "surplus population, " and the removal of any leader who dared to stand in the way of the Committee's plans to reach their global objectives.

They also demanded the suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee for the requirements of the same. Especially targeted is the nuclear energy program as it relates to nuclear waste.  Nuclear power is heated in the world because the Club of Rome called upon the environmentalist movement to wage a war on nuclear energy and provided also the financial support. If nuclear energy was cheap and abundant Third World countries would gradually become independent of U.S. foreign aid and begin to assert their sovereignty. Nuclear generated electricity was the key to bringing Third World countries out of their stagnant conditions which was contrary to the orders of the Committee of 300…. Less foreign aid also meant less control of a country's natural resources by the I.M.F. It was this idea of developing nations taking charge of their destiny that was an anathema to the Club of Rome. We have seen opposition to nuclear power in the United States successfully used to block industrial development in conformity with the Club's "Pos --Industrial Zero-Growth" plans.

Their plan is to cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people, people they call useless eaters. The Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title the Global 2000 Report and was accepted and approved for action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the US Government, and accepted by Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State.

Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the United States is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.  They also aim to weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the postindustrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demoralized and discouraged workers will resort to alcohol and drugs.

The World Court were to make local institutions of lesser effect by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the United Nations. The mechanics of this method shall remain concealed in the use of unaccountable charitable trusts. Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations represented by them. Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place.

The youth of the nations have been encouraged by means of rock music, gangster rap music and the drugs that go with them, to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and destroying the family unit.  Next came the media obsession with sex and masculinity allowing for the changes in legal statutes of marriage and eventually removing the male from the family enough to influence the children, who would be helpless against the cultural assault and for the programs by corporate academia to be gay, bisexual, transsexuals, and prone to alternatives lifestyles etc… In this regard the Committee of 300 commissioned the Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved.

“All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order. Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control….  

Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the U.S. through the Stanford Research Institute, Esalen, MIT, Heritage Foundation, Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, where State Dept. personal are trained, US Air Force Intelligence, and the Rand and Mitre corporations. The personnel of the corporations are required to undergo indoctrination at one or more of these Tavistock controlled institutions. A network of secret groups, the Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, Ditchley Foundation, and the Club of Rome is conduit for instructions to the Tavistock network. 

The methods of Freudian psychotherapy induce permanent mental illness in those who undergo this treatment by destabilizing their character. The victim is then advised to "establish new rituals of personal interaction", that is, to indulge in brief sexual encounters which actually set the participants adrift with no stable personal relationships in their lives, destroying their ability to establish or maintain a family. Tavistock Institute has developed such power in the U.S. that no one achieves prominence in any field unless he has been trained in behavioral science at Tavistock or one of its subsidiaries.

Henry Kissinger, whose meteoric rise to power is otherwise inexplicable, was a German refugee and student of Sir John Rawlings-Reese at SHAEF. Dr. Peter Bourne, a Tavistock Institute psychologist, picked Jimmy Carter for President of the U.S. solely because Carter had undergone an intensive brainwashing program administered by Admiral Hyman Rickover at Annapolis. The "experiment" in compulsory racial integration in the U.S. was organized by Ronald Lippert, of the OSS and the American Jewish Congress, and director of child training at the Commission on Community Relations. The program was designed to break down the individual's sense of personal knowledge in his identity, his racial heritage. Through the Stanford Research Institute, Tavistock controls the National Education Association. The Institute of Social Research at the National Training Lab brain washes the leading executives of business and government.

Today the Tavistock Institute operates a $6 Billion a year network of Foundations in the U.S., all of it funded by U.S. taxpayers' money. Ten major institutions are under its direct control, with 400 subsidiaries, and 3000 other study groups and think tanks which originate many types of programs to increase the control of the World Order over the American people. The Stanford Research Institute, adjoining the Hoover Institution, is a $150 million a year operation with 3300 employees. It carries on program surveillance for Bechtel, Kaiser, and 400 other companies, and extensive intelligence operations for the CIA. It is the largest institution on the West Coast promoting mind control and the behavioral sciences…One of the key agencies as a conduit for secret instructions from Tavistock is the Ditchley Foundation, founded in 1957. The American branch of the Ditchley Foundation is run by Cyrus Vance, former Secretary of State, and director of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Winston Lord, president of the Council on Foreign Relations.”  From Tavistock the best Keep Secret in America by John Coleman 

The New World Order has traditionally been associated with a Financial Oligarchy and several secrets societies usually composed of a few families who control the banking and financing industries such as the Rothchilds. An all-encompassing cabal conspiring to replace sovereign nations with one authoritarian world government. Throughout history the conspirators have taken on multiple forms and a series of almost indistinguishable organizations like Club of Rome, Tavistock Institute and the Bilderberg Group. 

The Bilderberg Group is an annual invitation conference of approximately 120 to 140 guests from North America and Western Europe, most of whom are people of influence. The original conference was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands in 1954 with leaders of both continents with the purpose of promoting the process of Globalization and Atlanticism. A permanent committee was established with that aim and conferences were subsequently held in France, Germany and the U.S. with $30,000 from the Ford Foundation. The ford foundation also supplied funding for the 1959 and 1963 conferences.

Their primary goal has purportedly been expanded over the years to a more comprehensive endorsement of the free markets and solving other geopolitical challenges, but conspiracy theorists believe the actual goal stablish the rule of a Global Financial Oligarchy. The Bilderberg Group is not accountable to the people of the world and the meetings are never reported in the news, like those of the G20 summit or the World Economic Forums. The most recent meeting took place between June 7th and 10th met in Turin, Italy where they discussed the following matters.   

1.The rise of populism in Europe
2. The “inequality” challenge
3. The future of work
4. Artificial intelligence
5. The US before midterms
6. Free trade
7. US world leadership
8. Russia
9. Quantum computing
10. Saudi Arabia and Iran
11. The "post-truth" world
12. Current events 

David Rockefeller, Bilderberg Meeting, June 1991 Baden, Germany: We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years... It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.

They conspiratorial groups know no boundaries and have always been at the center of western civilization influencing politics and the human event to further their aspirations of world domination. They own the corporations and run the government and can trace their alliances back to the Nights Templars and before. The Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians, is a supper secret organization founded by the British Aristocracy as an evolution of the Protocol of the Elders of Zion. It is believed it to be an international council that runs front organizations, government agencies, banks, insurance companies, international businesses, the petroleum industry, the military and thousands of other entities and foundations.  

Today they meet in Bohemian Grove drunk in their senses and submit blindly to the dehumanizing rituals of the All Seeing Eye, feeding an addiction in the euphoria of power subject themselves to the creature’s agenda of corruption and annihilation. Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre campground that is privately owned by the all-male order located in Monte Rio, California. The Cremation of Care is a ritual performance there by members of an elite secret society where a mock child sacrifice is made to an approximate 40ft stone owl. The owl idol used during the cremation of care might represent Minerva like other symbols of the club, the Babylonian demon Lilith or a rendition of Phoenician child sacrifice God Moloch. The cremation of care is conducted because the members might be involved in unethical business deals and political decisions that would require them to get rid of any sense of guilt or conflict of conscience. 

National Geographic Archives, 1915 - To purge himself of worldly concerns, a member of the elite Bohemian Club participated in a 1915 Cremation of Care ceremony, complete with candles and a robed and hooded comrade to guide him. This private club of influential men still meets annually north of San Francisco and uses this symbolic ritual to kick off its summer retreat. But today the ceremony involves burning a mummy-like effigy named Care at the foot of the group’s mascot: a 40-foot-tall (12-meter-tall) concrete owl - 

After WWII ended in 1945 The U.S. Military rounded up Nazi scientists and brought them to America, the engineers and intelligence officers of the War Machine. Allegedly following the discovery of flying discs and laser beam technology in German military bases the War Department determined they had to control it. General Reinhard Gehlen and his SS unit were hired and quickly became agents of the CIA. From a walled-in compound in Bavaria, General Reinhard Gehlen oversaw a vast network of intelligence agents spying on Russia. His top aides were Nazi zealots who had committed some of the most notorious crimes of the war.

Kurt Blome, a high-ranking Nazi scientist told U.S. military interrogators that he had been ordered in1943 to experiment with plague vaccines on concentration camp prisoners. He was tried at Nuremberg in 1947 on charges of practicing euthanasia and conducting experiments on humans. Although acquitted, his earlier admissions were well known, and it was generally accepted that he had indeed participated in the gruesome experiments. Two months after his Nuremberg acquittal Kurt Blome was interviewed at Camp David about biological warfare. In 1951 he was hired by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to work on chemical warfare. His file neglected to mention Nuremberg. 

Wernher Von Braun was the technical director of the Peenemunde rocket research center where the V-2 rocket that devastated England was developed. His dossier was rewritten so he didn't appear to have been an enthusiastic Nazi. Von Braun worked on guided missiles for the U.S. Army and was later director of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, eventually he became associate administrator. Von Braun and his team were transferred from the Army's control to NASA in 1958 when the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was established, and help established the culture of secrecy and protocols to deal with the existence of alien life, which has been kept for the public’s knowledge in spite the vast evidence.

They also continue laying down the foundation of the New World Order capitalizing on the hopeful mood and climate of cooperation. The World Bank was created in 1945, The International Monetary Fund was formed in 1945, Human Rights were introduced in 1948, and The World Trade Organization is an evolution of GATT which was created in 1947. in 1949 Venezuela and Iran approached Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, triggered by a law instituted by American President Dwight Eisenhower which forced quotas on Venezuelan and the Persian Gulf oil. The move resulted in the establishment of OPEC in 1960. And the state of Israel which had been bargained by Zionist as a condition to bring the United States into the war. 

America’s Other Secret Societies  

The Order of Skull and Bones, a Yale University society, was originally known as the Brotherhood of Death. It is one of the oldest student secret societies in the United States. It was founded in 1832 and membership is open to an elite few.

The Knights Templar (full name: The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta) is a modern offshoot of Masonry.

The Grand Masonic Lodge was created in 1717 when four small groups of lodges joined together. Membership levels were initially first and second degree, but in the 1750s this was expanded to create the third degree which caused a split in the group. 

Opus Dei is an organization of the Catholic Church that emphasizes the Catholic belief that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity. The celibate numeraries and numerary assistants live in special centers, while associates are celibate members living in their private homes. The order was founded in Spain in 1928 by Roman Catholic priest Josemaría Escrivá with the approval of Pope Pius XII. 

The order of the Golden Dawn was created by Dr. William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers. All three were Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (an organization with ties to Masonry). It is considered by many to be a forerunner of the Ordo Templi Orientis and a majority of modern Occult groups. 

Ku Klux Klan (from the Greek kuklos, circle), founded in Tennessee in 1866, but disbanded after a few violent years. In part as a result of the success of Birth of a Nation, the movie by D.W. Griffith, the Klan was resurrected in 1915 and, after the US entered WW I. The fraternity derived from English Freemasonry was particularly popular. From the mid-nineteenth until well into the twentieth century, some tens of millions of men were members of fraternal orders, which as a matter of fact often also functioned as insurance companies.

Today the aggression takes mostly the shape of an assault on our social environment and the general habitat, promoting socioeconomic anarchy and cultural decadence as well as general destruction of the natural environment, in other word Globalization. Industrialization and deforestation have greatly increased atmospheric concentrations of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, all greenhouse gases that help trap heat near Earth’s surface. Earth has experienced warming and cooling cycles roughly every hundred thousand years due to orbital shifts, but such changes have occurred over the span of several centuries, today changes have taken place over the past hundred years or less. A report by the IPCC released in April 2007 warned that global warming could lead to largescale food and water shortages and have catastrophic effects.

Most of the observed agree that temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century has been caused by the pollution resulting from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Global warming is defined as the increase in the average temperature of Earth’s near-surface air and oceans. According to the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the 20th century. Climate model projections summarized in the latest IPCC report indicate that the global surface temperature is likely to rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the 21st century which would be disastrous for the environment. 

The frequency of hot extremes, heat waves, and heavy precipitation will very likely increase, it is expected that most ecosystems will be affected by higher atmospheric CO2 levels, combined with higher global temperatures. Overall, climate change will result in the extinction of many species and reduced diversity of ecosystems. Global warming is forecast to inflict a variety of other costs, including declining rainfalls and extended drought conditions in regions like the Southwest, and have an impact on public health due to heat related illnesses, greater formation of ozone smog, and increases in vector-borne disease.

     A 2007 study by researchers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Carnegie Institution at Stanford University found that global production of three of the six largest global crops experienced significant losses due to global warming between 1981 and 2002. The study concluded that global wheat growers, for example, lost $2.6 billion and global corn growers lost $1.2 billion in 2002.

     Fifty percent of the wetlands, 90% of the northwestern old-growth forests, and 99% of the tall-grass prairie have been destroyed in the last 200 years. Every day an estimated nine square miles of rural land are lost to development (There are more shopping malls than high schools in the United States).

     For the first time in history the North Pole may be iceless. Scientists say it’s an even bet that sea ice will completely disappear soon. The last decade proved to be the warmest on record.

The Master Plan (The Information Paradox)




The Illuminati’s during the Committee of 300, objective # 5: To bring about the end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call “the postindustrial zero-growth society”. US industries that remain will be exported to where abundant slave labor is available. Unemployables in the US, in the wake of industrial destruction are to become statistics in the elimination of the “excess population” process we know today as Global 2000.

In general, the formula is to polarize, stretch and dislocate humanity from a natural order, displace man from evolutionary relationships generating the enrichment that produces the pressures on the environment and energy demand required by balance. Setting up a socio-economic system that requires increasing amounts of resources so we become increasingly inefficient in the interaction with the environment and synthesizing energy. Commoditize competition and the capacity-demand chain reaction that produces the diminishing return, raising the stakes and the cost of living. 

It’s the esoteric black hole’s problem, the negative center of gravity that displaces certainty and generates the demand twisting the information and breaking you apart, restoring the vertical antagonism and generating the tension that can be stretched to swallow everything, the distance between the head and the feet, empty and whole, reason and insanity. Tying up the system in a submission hold between the SINGULARITY and the event horizon and conditioning vital needs to the changing expectations of the new function, fusing success and failure in the same location and producing the weight and energy deficit, old expectations that fix you to the universe splitting, and survival instincts pulling in opposite directions, fighting for integrity, and feeding the dead space in a death spiral, drowning you.

The absolute, or singularity, alternates between positive and negative purging information indiscriminately and taking on a value of zero, creating the negative source of certainty that negates reality facilitating one need by starving another. Any commodity then becomes the polarized constant and the certainty horizon a dynamic event, producing the contraction or squeeze. When you get the access, or “salvation”, you get the unreasonable burden, the demand that must be met and opens the door to more useless information, generating the cavity and a wormhole where information is transformed, grinded.

 When the system starts inverting vertically the capacity diminishes and the cycles accelerate to a potentially unsustainable pace, generating the contraction and transforming information faster into energy. Raising the expectations, diverting the attention, and eviscerating are the modus operandi, suppressing the capacity to set up the chase for redemption, success, for air. Uncertainty is the capital, where the variables can be anything and fear is the bargain, the distance between the past and the future, an area they stretch presenting some false hope, or absurd goal, generating the tension and the flammable mix.   

 Commoditization charges the environment, generating the revolutionary frictions and transforming the relationships that guarantee the flow of information and sustain life, from symbiosis to parasitic, from positive to negative; no different that approximating a powerful magnet to generate the distortion, the wind or current. The focus shifts and cause and effect are manipulated to extract more energy from the environment, which keeps curving the performance and the head never meets the tail, causing decay. Increasing the resistance bends the information, inevitably progressing to the equivalent of boiling or melting, generates the “slippery slope” and a struggle for survival. It generates the negative enrichment and the dead spaces, and the subsequent need for the protections that become commodities themselves and feed into the empirical reductions. When the mouth is open more poison can be fed to produce the complete washout.

 The polarization makes us choose between the old and the new, conservative and progressive, the heart and the mind, the mind and the body, splitting essential function and corrupting structural dynamics and life itself. It interferes with the significant information making us incorporate and dismisses information arbitrarily and unable to organize it coherently, simplify and learn. From these evolve the irrational lineal logic and belief systems, like the cold pragmatisms and manifest determinism that characterize all religions and abnormal cancerous systems.

 Capitalization becomes the common link for all socio-economic activities and the values system is replaced with moral obligations that transfer the power to financial institutions as greed and cruelty set the standard for the rest of society. This produces the economic disparities resulting in the world economic pyramid and the concentration of wealth, establishing the flow of information that generates the power structures and dismantles society.

 Society is a living organism with basic functions that are realized through education and the culture, which means a set of priorities and a “know how”. They disrupt these dynamics using a system of corruption and commoditizing human values and resources, which neutralizes the much more capable society depriving men of the collective wisdom, and diminishing the species performance.

 Religious doctrines execute a distortion of the meaning of the information attributing a different explanation to all phenomena and creating new points of reference, generating a new context for life in order to start the enrichment. It corrupts the information and severs natural relationships which leads to the loss of awareness and ability to interpret reality. It hides the history and trajectory reducing the understanding and the capacity to anticipate, the ability to see and focus, reach out with precision, like picking up a book in the middle page (In this scenario the Colorado River takes a new path every day and the earth rotation cannot be predicted). 

 By learning and tapping into our communications systems they change perception to obtain the desire result and replace the purpose of life’s efforts and energy. Taking advantage of self-preservation predispositions and evolutionary imperatives they have developed mind control systems and indoctrination mechanisms, and a campaign of misinformation and subliminal messages are conducted through the media and all forms of communications.

Intellectual manipulations can always lead to the wrong conclusion and misallocation of emotions, which can also be accomplished through the power of suggestion, which works through repetition and embedding a “resemblance” right around the awareness threshold. A natural intuition detects the demand camouflaged in the vague patterns and generates a reaction. For instance, God generates pressure on the subconscious because is undefined and subliminal, generating an expectation that could be both disconcerting and provocative. It’s like catching something out on the peripheral vision that never materializes no matter how hard you try, and the more influence it has on your life the more helpless you become. It is a form of enrichment.

 Distorting priorities in order to induce an association to a convenient category, feeding conflicting information to create extreme ambiguity, and inflating the volume of the information beyond reasonable expectations are some of the methods used to affect perception and inhibit behavior. Some of these techniques can induce a sense of abandonment to the inevitable where a concept takes the place of a tradition, a very strong impulse. They can also cause the dismissal of important matters and deference of responsibility known as the “slide effect”, which is the result of risk assessment, cost and efficiency priorities that in humans become part of a socioeconomic coefficient.

 They create difficulties beyond the perceived energy thresholds to discourage and demoralize while making us chase a mirage. There is another method to radicalize, a more dynamic distortion of perception, gradually collecting things using certain labels and epithets, generating extreme biases and emotions to marginally connected and even completely unrelated concepts, binding them in a kinetic contraction that in turn disrupts other ties and connections; creating a virtual black hole where the information actually loses its relative meaning.

 Replacing the assumptions can be achieved through subliminal techniques, the subconscious act of extracting patterns in the environment, associating and categorizing the information to handle it more efficiently, which affects both our critical thinking and the moral assessment. They use them to generate stress and desperation, push, drag disorient and paralyze, introducing variables suggestive enough yet vague enough, keeping us on edge and compliant, between certitude and fear, action and insecurity, shutting down and reopening, pushing and pulling, negotiating and trying to outsmart each other, engaging in retaliation and the mutual nullification process we know as competition, unable to internalize reality and lost in the superfluous with no chance of finding the answer but willing to pay any price for a piece of certainty, favor the strange variable, the mutation (wealth).

It is also aimed at creating a perpetual environment of fear, a sense of impending doom that makes reality unsustainable and unbearable, generating circumstances of extreme uncertainty and apocalyptic scenarios. Distorting danger thresholds and warning systems inhibits our risk management abilities; the environmental demand is high and the situation is unclear which makes the individual feel helpless and surrender control. This also makes man vulnerable to the effects of the rewards, which sometimes can only be obtained by dying, we must hold on to something.

Uncertainty is absence of patterns and ability to predict, the displaced burden that makes you cut the losses in order to snap back to a present. This psychological warfare is combined with a system of rewards and emotional stimulus, targeting human’s need for affection in the vacuum of empathy and normal relationships to induce the addiction, which also help neutralize self-preservation mechanisms and continue to facilitate the deception. Holding the emotional strings allocates power to the new source, which in conjunction with social control systems that also reinforce helplessness and extreme uncertainty further immobilizes and predisposes men for additional manipulations and brainwashing. In addition, constantly providing “the answers” also has a paralyzing effect and eventually generates the expectation, or dependency.

Much of the real indoctrination takes place in the universities, in the business schools where they teach the new financial gospel. Besides the psychological effects it also causes physical stress and has other consequences. There are two recognized kinds of stress with different physiological responses, short term stress which causes normal fast reactions and sustained stress which raises the levels of cortisol in the brain and weakens the immune system, accelerating metabolic processes and opening the interaction to other dangers. 

They want us to stay increasingly reactive and confined to the small moment, like less evolved species, shorten our time horizon and understanding of interconnectedness and the multiple layers that make up everything, truly unable to solve the problems. Today, like a dogma, the news cycles and fast pace of life forces us to choose a single cause for every situation, usually a resent one, into a right or wrong one size fits all lineal logic that takes us to the wall, a black or white approach that misses the point because it is simply not how it works.

Scientific distortion is also part of the deception; the concept of space-time was introduced by using the speed of light as a distance measuring tool and conveniently replace the universal tension to support a mostly chaotic finite Universe, versus the real permanent one. The concept of Space-Time becomes the absolute replacing the time-energy continuum, a principle with no opposing force where time takes on the properties of space opening the door for more distortions; parallel universe, traveling back and forward in time, wormholes, string theory etc. 

At any moment something is happening in every point of the universe at different speeds, so time is unidirectional with relative relevance. It is the phenomenon created by cause and effect, where the effect cannot be the cause or exist without it. Only a universal event could offer a unified point of reference if it could be measured precisely, anything else can only have a practical application, and would produce a discrepancy or error when measuring events outside of the same system. This phenomenon is used to justify time’s relativity, which is then applied to space, use absolute value to displace relative value or fingerprint a moment to generate a false manifest answer.

The Big Bang theory develops the scientific bases for the moment of creation, is partially based on light’s general shift to red and the density of the stars nurseries in a specific time-place. It has negated pressure and repulsion dynamics mentioned among others by Einstein, the existence of a force he called antigravity as early as 1915 (although he later recanted) negation of the negation and the universal duality, which have been supported by the resent re-discovery of the Ether, now called invisible matter or dark energy. Therefore, it could never explain other dynamics, such as mechanics in the rotation of the galaxies, the suns corona higher temperatures and the solar flares on the outskirts of the solar system. 

The idea that we could look back in time near the moment of the big bang is a fabrication since light would be traveling way faster than us, the observer. At any point we could only see events that are happening in the point of origin according to the distance travelled, increasingly further in our past but also increasingly farther from the moment of the event at an exponential rate established by the speed differential which would also increase exponentially, making it a smaller and smaller fraction of the total time elapsed, relatively more recent events with the oldest ones passing us by first. We could never observe our own journey, if we can see any moment in time we were not there. This point in the universe would have to be here first therefore negating the whole idea. We could only always see an equidistant past, no big bang, no drifting apart, no big crunch, and no time to travel in.

They’ve also introduced the idea that Black Holes can grow indefinitely and possibly consume whole galaxies and even the Universe. If under certain amount pressure the nucleus of the atom breaks up into pure energy then Black Holes can only reach a critical mass at which point it would blast energy into the Ether probably in the form of opposing streams due to the incredible internal pressures and the laws of duality and balance, becoming a Quasar. “There is now a scientific consensus that a quasar is a compact region in the center of a massive galaxy 10–10,000 times the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole”. The Black Hole eventually burns itself out, which is one of the reasons why some galaxies don’t have one in their center. No real time paradox either.

Antimatter cannot exist either; the concept of a negative nucleus requires an absolute interpretation of the phenomenon caused by volume and repetition, structure and pi; the subject and the object of repetition which is the generalization or superlative system. Using these criteria the solar system would be antimatter, it’s the literal, or explicitly subversion of reality that negates itself or the truth. We see what is more obvious and relevant in our frame of reference as well as some absolute manifestations. 

They promote a general state of ignorance and use money, technology and property to create the illusion of accomplishment, providing the consequent gratification and distraction as the aggression on resources and the environment continues. Separating men from values and knowledge allows them to engage us in counterproductive activities and turn human society against itself, all part of the diminishing return approach they also try to sell with the big crunch, covering all the areas like the predator does. If you don’t have repulsion or “antigravity” you cannot understand diminishing capacity. Always using a Trojan horse approach, manipulate a concept and turn it into the “virus”, a universal absolute truth that is above everything and surrenders power to a higher authority to destabilize the environment and develop behavior control systems; Moral and Economic Doctrines to be used as conditioning and dehumanizing mechanisms and to build power structures.

CONDITIONING DOCTRINES are commoditized concepts embedded in the culture that take the place of the fixed and permanent, obstructing development and generating the conflicts of interest, pervasive beliefs that produce the aberrations and pave the way for the dehumanization. The codified moral obligation replaces the traditions and empathic motivation generating the exponential inflation and irrational determinism.

The “definition dogmas” generate a large negation field becoming pervasive and omnipresent. If the assertion is affirmative like the “right to bear arms” the moment continues to repeat negating itself, and the negative geometric absolute, like free speech, makes the environment collapse to a point. They cap the system and produce the point-image distortion, freezing a moment and forcing the information to bend producing the capacity-demand chain reaction. In both cases the price, which represents a critical dew point (and legal line) continues to repeat catching up to the generalization. 

The negative geometric absolute transcends time and takes hold of the environment generating the liberal fusion and inadvertent contraction. It causes the vertical inversion as well and is always out of focus. It’s all about the contact, occupying vital areas and being omnipresent which brings us back to the general characteristics of these systems; using both hands with the power of ambiguity, condescending but also very explicit in the laws, manipulating the demand and making the rhythm and the rhyme collide. 

The definition dogma is the dynamic block that becomes more obvious depending on the time scale, the explicit stop on the road and end of time that makes the environment spread. It can be money but also the sacred word, the intervention that compromises access generating the wrong commitments, the political ultimatum, the broken trust, the gun and even the automobile. It could be the hourly rate, and the monthly deadlines, or a technology that makes us negotiate the intuition.

Religion put the early blindfold on humanity and created conditions for additional intellectual and psychological manipulations. The brain developed in a three-dimensional environment and our primary source of information was observation, they disrupted this process replacing it with faith which needs no verification, and manipulating the culture and all sources of communications. They interrupted the collective human experience, the filament through which information is passed down from one generation to another, which creates the illusion of things just appearing and gives credence to the concept of creation. This conditioned man to receive rather than observe which has a disconnecting effect and detached society from reality and the original values system, keeping us from understanding our evolutionary origins; stealing the past to negate the future. This is why we have to constantly reinterpret history, why we have multiple theories on the origins of ancient archeological sites and everything takes on a mysterious connotation. As people we keep trying to make sense of life without the benefit of the collective experience.

Other forms of cultural distortions generate doctrines by tradition and condition society. The history of patents and Monopolies begins royal grants extended by Queen Elizabeth I for exclusive privileges over particular industries. Edward II had begun encouraging foreign inventors to settle in England back in the twelve century offering letters of protection on the condition that they train English apprentices and pass on their knowledge, but these letters did not grant a full monopoly, rather they acted as an extended passport. Until “The Statute of Monopolies Act” was passed by the Parliament of England on May 29th 1624 as the first statutory expression of English patent law. It did become very problematic thought; instead of temporary monopolies on specific imported industries long-term monopolies were created, demonstrating the evolution of patents from royal prerogative to common-law doctrine and the historical transformation of the concept.

The term intellectual property can be found used in an October 1845 Massachusetts Circuit Court ruling in the patent case Davollet al. v. Brown., in which Justice Charles L. Woodbury wrote that “only in this way can we protect intellectual property, the labors of the mind, productions and interests are as much a man’s the wheat he cultivates, or the flocks he rears”. This version of men as a self-sufficient being is a paradox in itself as men relies on culture, tradition and sharing information, even to cultivate wheat. We traded specialization for capacity to cooperate and got the will to share as part of a system where one generates and defines the other. This makes us depend on society to survive more than any other species. Sharing information for humans is the equivalent of essential survival instincts in other species, adaptations such as the ability to fly, swim or run fast. Today intellectual property laws don’t distinguish between certain discoveries and creations of the mind, private or common property, in fact there is only capitalist property and a distorted set of priorities, such as “discovery rights” and “trade secrets”, which don’t reflect the true nature of the information and raises the stakes of the competition. 

Historical maneuver and cultural manipulation have also turned the illegal practice of Usury and what was primarily a form of protection from the ills of society into the foundation of an economy. The first banks were the religious temples of the ancient world; deposits initially consisted of grain and later other goods including cattle, agricultural implements, and eventually precious metals such as gold, in the form of easy to-carry compressed plates. Temples and palaces were the safest places to store gold as they were constantly attended and well built, as sacred places they presented an extra deterrent to would be thieves.

The Financial Systems generate an even bigger deficit and society never benefits from the return. The collective efforts are deposited in institutions that use the capital in their investments and for their own benefit. The return to society is limited to a few jobs, technical support and another trick, selling pieces of the access denied in the form of credit. The cycle is replaced with a corrupted exchange that might not show its effects immediately but the advantage society might enjoy is once again interrupted. Not only don’t we see the potential materialize it continues to fuel the enrichment and economic inequities.

This is part of the dehumanization process and the religious denial of men’s social evolution, like many other concepts it is intended to protect the individual from a hostile environment. Create the legal barrier man needs to build around himself which end up providing protection for the economic entity, and in turn contribute to dismantling society, feeding on the deficiency for an ever-diminishing return. In their totality these beliefs disrupt vital functions and make human society dissolve. The negation area of the political dogma and the absolute value overlap blocking access and the free flow of information generating the constant conflicts and acceleration. It is important that the United States Supreme Court has ruled that Corporations have the same rights as human beings, which allows them to compete with society.

DEHUMANIZING MECHANISMS: The cultural equivalent of economic enrichment, a degree of moral deprivation that produces the aggressive tendencies and sexual aberration. It is based on inducing antisocial behavior and undermining cultural and social development. Intellectual and psychological manipulations usually originated form religious dogmas, that can also be accomplished through a combination of political doctrines and cultural distortions, today largely the effects of media propaganda and the commercial society.

The change in sexual behavior occurred relative to the reduction of aggression and moralization process that made us human and generated the long learning curve, which is why they enter into conflict at some point generating the internal struggles. It is not irrelevant or completely animal; it expanded its role and becomes part of the culture but as a function of society becomes mostly a private event. The “exercise of the person” allows us to deal with the fluctuations of de-specialization which requires the conviction for minimum certainty and harmony of movement. The discretion of time in the moral structures that gives it a voice and a range of motion, and when calibrated by the family in the context of civil society is perfect. The sexual commentary is part of an implicit understanding, beneath the close and subliminal by definition, becoming slowly more explicitly during the mating process which requires consent. We occupy the common ground and virtue guarantees reciprocity and start disappearing toward the extremes and the private event, which is aggressive by definition, and commoditized too.

We are in a constant conversation with each other and our behavior and sexuality can reflect aggression, becoming dysfunctional when it is too explicit or out of context. It is generally not worn on our sleeves and requires reciprocity, and cannot be expressed the same way in every environment in order to manage the various demands, which also enables learning. It is inherently connected to a social development and the ability to adjust the expectations that allows us to be more inclusive, what is acceptable in one environment is not in another, what is offensive might not be either.

A destiny becomes manifest and we can claim our freedom when we place the burden on society, and the acknowledgement of time implicit in the specialized structures generates the capacity. The responsibility defines cost and the respect allows us to assess risk and comprise the resources, and become cultural traditions. Some things just have no place in the public arena where they become depraved and emasculating, that’s what private means, not social, not for consumption.

POWER STRUCTURES are the product of the enrichment and the tendencies of a blind justice system, the effects of the moral doctrines and cultural distortions. The sequestration of resources and economic segregation produced by the concentration of wealth defines the establishment that controls the agenda, Big Corporations, Financial Platforms and Multinationals that generate pressure on society and the environment. 

Sequestering the resources obstructs society’s ability to manage risk and efficiency assessment under any circumstances. The concept of Liberal Democracy as we know it along with other economic doctrines promotes a fratricidal system as fairness and progress in the end, setting up the race for the radicalization. The split personality paradox only guarantees antagonism, the exercise of our political condition becomes an effort in futility, consuming worthless information and putting out fires unable to disambiguate and repair the moment, the eternal quest for jobs, the magic bullet, superman and sheer entertainment. Politics is dominated by the reactionary intrigue and as we lose the ability to process information the “parties” fuse in a corner; the arena of the ideas becomes more personal and the emotions are dominated by the ups and downs, the uncertainty and fluctuations of a very unstable environment.

The absolute value is the pervasive knot in the environment that through association ties down, stretches and dismembers, the dogma or handcuff that can be made of gold. It generates competition and the revolving door of politicians repeating the same doctrines and mistakes, often motivated by greed or a special interest that replaced reason and the noble intention, making the error predominant and the return dwindle. The system is designed to be bigoted and dumb forcing us to take bites from each other under the pretext of checks and balances. We still have the instincts and discuss and argue everything to exhaustion but it doesn’t get the traction because the intelligent structures are not there, generating only the anxiety. Dealing with systematic problems but defending the idea of a flawed system because the villains have been pointed out, so we can vent the frustrations and don’t take look at our own chains, making it also easier to justify the environment of corruption and the politics of personal destruction.

The three independent powers and economic entities operating mostly disconnected from each other makes for an incoherent system that disrupts natural socioeconomic cycles, the capacity to internalize the human experience and ability to respond. Like the hollow currency they generate friction and the inflation that generates the pressure. A displaced economic apparatus gets around structural parameters while systematic fragmentations neutralize society further, in its totality obstructing the flow of the significant information that makes the contribution relevant, turning the United Stated into addict nation. 

The formula has been controlling the resources and create large politically handicapped entities connected to a big source of energy and harvest money in every way possible, generating the pressures on the environment. This has been the basic configuration of the United States and the blueprint for the European Union, the Financial Wormholes. The economic structures are global and become more monolithic while fragmented political structures lose the socioeconomic initiative and the true capacity is suppressed, all under a free-trade dogma that generates the acute contraction. It is turned upside down and instead of mobility and socioeconomic access we get the race to the bottom and a flattened landscape littered by the brand names and the franchises. 

In America’s supper fast environment, we argue the trans-idiosyncratic fraud in 50 states and 3007 counties and have thousands of collisions in every city down to the nanosecond. Tied up in a knot where society cannot settle down and coalesce around traditions or get any traction on the environment, since the empirical generalizations, positive and negative, are heading in opposite directions. The blind equivalency generates pressure and a volume that support the currency in the trade markets resulting in a purchasing power, the basic strength of these entities. It is also only in reference to other currencies that these numbers take on any significance justifying the conditions. Germany is only able to leverage the power of the unions (like a minimum wage) because it has more capacity to pass down the inflation. 

The truth is that when trade takes place without manipulation the capacity of the specialists is enhanced, in theory pulling the currencies closer together. The artificial numbers are justified by the demand generated by the low coefficient negation and exponential inflation, or capitalization. Trade has to be manipulated since it generates liabilities that need to be addressed, becoming part of the strategic reconciliation. True supply and demand and therefore actual progress is undermined by the esoteric concepts, they lack the essence, the implicit that dominates the conversation and allows for the recombination of values and simplification.

This has been the foundation of all Religions and the imperialistic nature of the United States; Churches and military bases are part of a much bigger agenda and an ulterior motive that has no place in the embassies. Taking control of the world’s energy and natural resources is at the core of this strategy; it feeds the addiction and guarantees leverage. All the conflicts of the last decades have been aimed at taking over the oil supply and expanding the United States area of influence. The “war on terror” was a convenient counterpart for the strategic approach. In general, protecting the strategic interest through any means necessary to continue advancing the agenda becomes the main objective, and a mission defining of the tradition of expansionism.




Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Popular Culture Under Seige

A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes – Gandhi

With religion on the way down we don’t follow many prophets, philosophical manipulations are of a limited scope as it leaves out most of the populous, so they use popular culture to attempt the reverse engineering. Once again using prepackaged products intended to have mass appeal to subvert the culture and promote antisocial behavior, and cause paralysis by ignorance.

Basic values are replaced with a perverted set of priorities delivered through all forms of communications, kluged in a façade of fun, prosperity or just artistic expression. Television shows where the winner is the most unscrupulous or conniving competitor reinforcing greed, envy, cruelty and violence, bombarding society with a daily dose of misinformation and meaningless trivia intended to breed ignorance and stupefy, creating a generation of uninformed easy prey zombies.

Television and the internet also have the power to deconstruct reality and replace the assumptions, without real context and uncompromising they take away discretion and the ability to reconcile the moment. Everything becomes a pressure wave with the capacity to generate strong emotions and leave long lasting impressions. They are intrusive and glamorizing by definition, and often offensive, producing the unnatural demand and the environmental enrichment, like all other electronics mediums inherently containing the tease and restrain potential with the ability to breakdown the information. The constant repetition and advertisements generate third degree burn, the reaction to contact. Here too we get the inflation and a ‘debt ceiling”, and here too, when the emotions explode everything that has been consumed bursts out destroying structures and erasing memories. We cut social programs as a result of the same manic-depressive condition produce by overstimulation. This is very profound, it means being subjected to capacity and demand exertions that are especially harmful to kids. 

They are addictive because we have to make the adjustment in an ambiguous environment that keeps asking the obstinate question, then information becomes increasingly morbid placing society in double jeopardy, you are either imperfectly in sink or perfectly incongruent and face a lot more friction. Appealing to your better sense to generate pressure and stimulate consumption is the universal approach, natural sensitivities are abused and we are damaged, subject to bombardment and the wrong interaction. It’s the commercial society, but is also the principles behind the duplicity and the ignominious capitalization, eventually we are dehumanized constantly forced to adjust the values. Regardless of the information if the voice is too laud it generates pressure, and there is an energy cost involved with that stress. Something could be both endearing and disturbing depending on the occasion.

The message coming through is much more than images and sound, the guard is down and self-preservation mechanisms are relaxed and we internalize a different reality. You are not afraid of Dexter, disturbed by the smell of blood or certain sites, disgusted by the serial killer on trial who starts receiving fan mail, or startled by the sound of a gunshot. You only get the excitement and want to expose yourself to the stimulus that is sinking in deep, to the thrills of Jason and Freddie Kruger or the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, eventually you are not repulsed, as is natural, by the site of the human form being desecrated. They have the power to replace information on a subconscious level by raising the ante while suppressing the capacity, turning us into insensitive egomaniacs and hungry deviants, generating inferiority complex making you feel like you’re always missing out on something.

But it goes beyond that producing the most unlikely abominations and dependencies. Repetition generates energy but also has incredible alienating potential, which is the case with many of the electronic gadgets we consume today, as they become more intuitive we become more desensitized and disconnected. The source of information becomes part of a more relevant moment generating the negative enrichment, where the recovery take place at an equidistant location and we lose track of the price we pay and the time we lose, making it common place as the deficit sinks in deeper. As opposed to the actual definition that makes it save to come closer and over a period of time becomes part of a cognitive values system and a potential.

Certain technologies offer opportunities to explore the human condition, but showing the more superficial behavior consistently is emasculating for society, which becomes critical of itself and eventually dysfunctional. Lowering the standard generates as much a temporal distortion as the stringent measures, good quality in the wrong proportions becomes as much a problem as the wrong information in the right proportions; changing the criteria completely is inconceivable.

Anonymity gets around structure and honest relationships producing the abnormal development and making us fall in the capacity/demand chain reaction, where we relate to the pressure and internalize the wrong values and attributes. No form of free expression can involve deception, by definition or omission, at the end nobody has a chance to exercise their freedom. The internet and social media allows us to express things without the natural feedback or sense of accountability, no rewards for good or bad behavior and no consequences. We tweet and send massages out of the compulsive need to consume, what we communicate is usually inconsequent to the emptiness we internalize. Society and the justice system fall increasingly behind too, forced to find others more aggressive methods themselves to counteract the retaliation of the technology; they get it wrong when they equate normal human interaction with means of communications obscure and confining by nature. We forgot that we use to demand responsibility and a degree of certainty from all media. It is the house dealing the card and the profiteer dishing the pain, the same perfectly dumb geometric equality unabated by sociological tensions.

Hollywood villains always contain certain endearing qualities and trades we admire or at least can relate to, they’ve been abused by society and were very decent people at some point, they could be strong and determined, funny and creative and only kill bad people. This all serves to open the gates of reasonable possibilities, blurs the moral boundaries and approximate us to previously unthinkable options, and desensitize people to violence and cruelty. That’s the Joker and the Riddler, the unwilling split personality antisocial monsters, which are also the characteristics of the hero, a person full of conflicts who channels his frustrations with anger and violence, and glamorized deception, like The Hulk or Batman. The embattle super hero uses the same formula, they claim the moral high ground and have a tacit license to break all the rules, more importantly they reinforce individualism and make people feel inferior and inadequate in their humanity, giving then a reason to cross the line. But it all makes some sense to us because the environment demands it, it’s all part of the resonance and the retroactive cycles that continue to take the cultural dimorphism to new extremes. The subliminal messages always seem innocent but even when we know they exist it can plant the seed in the subconscious and reinforce the beliefs. 

Our imagination is very active, especially when we are young, it is helping us create a context for our reality so we can navigate the environment. It is going to be defined by the content of the information and is subject to developmental pressures. It is going to be enriched or deformed and the effects of repetition are magnified. We consume when we rationalize the information and kids for the most part cannot suspend disbelieve, reality and fantasy blend in and they will internalize on deep visceral levels. Even adults start rearranging their values system and purging information after prolonged exposure to the absurd and the commercial hammering, victims of the intuitive intelligence. During these years the information has to be age appropriate and the emotional stimulus has to be associated with the right behavior, placing emphasis on socialization and cooperation in order to reveal their inner motivation and give then the ability to exercise their own person.


As a species we have an identity crisis, the means of communications main function is informing and nurturing the human potential, like any other living creature we are subject to environmental stimulus that cannot be excessive or arbitrary. Most of what we know about other cultures is through television, movies and the internet, we constantly submit to this frame of reference and snap shots that shape our perception and diminish our reality. We are the culture, if the culture is cruel and greedy so are we, if it is violent so are we. The intensity of the moment shapes reality, a fist fight and a gun fight eventually feel the same to us, but the gun fight is more corrosive because it has a different value for the social event. When we compromise these values we don’t get any additional benefits but the internal pressure that suppresses the capacity, we burn out between the escalating effect and the consumption.


“Walter Benjamin declares that optical manipulation of the film camera inevitably lead the viewer to identify not with the actor but with the camera itself. Benjamin’s assessment clearly places the onus of constructing meaning on the film maker, and not the performer, acknowledging the role the director has in guiding and controlling the viewer” – From Popular Culture.

It matters that we constantly talk about killing and war, vengeance and gore, it matters that we produce Assassins Creed, Grand Theft Auto and Zombie, that we export violence and the power of Google yielding about eight hundred million pornographic sites, and that over eighty percent of the internet’s content is some form of prostitution. It’s abrasive, like sandpaper to society. It matters that we make guns and promote violence and force other people to consume all sorts of subversive material, and promote the idea that they are not free unless they open the doors unconditionally to this abomination, that we sell the conversation to stick in the knife, massaging the passions to corrupt the culture. It matters that the internet’s headquarters is in California and we produce weapons of mass destruction. 

More importantly, it matters that television and the media have become a tool of the self-fulfilling prophecy advertising an apocalyptic destiny that becomes reality, making the intractable incident resonate with disproportional influence setting us of fire. That they have become the manifestation of their bad intentions and our own subconscious abstraction, making us upload pieces of ourselves into some form of depraved condition with the power to drag across time and space, like Achilles dragging Hector at the walls of Troy.

Whether through god or money the erosion method is always the same, the false morality and deprivation of resources, the enrichment and the pervasive consumption, the choke, the hold, the exchange and our reality coming undone, the promise and the revelation that twists the conscience and corrupts the mind, the forbidden fruit and the poisonous snake. The unwinnable prompt generating the subliminal pressures, which means not seeing the hand that throws you around, anonymous corporation and the magnifying power of the media. The commercial fraud that forces the empathic reason to open up to more corrupt information.

Hollywood becomes the metaphysical paradox that swallows everything and corrupts the resources. Itself the pervasive generalization we lose ourselves in, promoting pornography, violence, drugs and the reduction of all decency standards under the glare of the magnificent karma; a different kind of commoditization that also ends up producing the egotistical tendencies and radicalizing society. Revolving around a legacy of crime they capture our imagination and become the negative source of certainty contagious and alienating that generates the insanity. In reality, they end up falling in the protracted decadent spiral and paving the way for the special interest that sells the gun, and the dehumanization.

This approach constitutes the difference between promoting growth and civil society or corruption and decadence, promising a less optimistic future for man. At the bottom it is a matter of social health, we have to allow ourselves the time at our discretion to reconcile our values and figure out the problems, clearly we are largely reduced to criminalize or commercialize. These are conflicts generated by the liberal currencies and the political dogmas, which generate the pressures and turn what should be marginal activities to be frowned upon into criminal behavior. It causes the loss of depth perception and a range of motion, the end of common sense that started with the sinner and the priest, the center of gravity that forces you to overreach or lose everything to prohibition, to the punitive, the sequestration. What standard is going to replace balance and certainty, choose your poison sort of speak, which has also led to multiple formulas and odd compromises. 

The normal environment is not available anymore, the mechanisms that allow us to manage information, bond and grow. We fall in the extremes because the dogmas don’t allow us to keep a sense of measure and reality, enjoy the freedoms and the relaxation of time, appreciate what is ideal, normal, extreme and the exception, the ridiculous and the fantasy, what might be amusing and the occasional thrill, what is artistic expression, insidious or perverse. We lose equilibrium and site of the danger, become oblivious to the damage, the event speeds up and life becomes a blur. It is a matter of public health, it promotes the latent and glamorizes the abnormal and the dormant, making us vulnerable to things that continue to weaken and attempt against society further.

If you cannot anticipate what is one hundred percent predictable you are just dead in the waters, standing in the middle of the road, if you cannot predict what you would be exposed to in the haunted house or the gay parade. If you believe in self-radicalization and the lone wolf you are the dead Gazelle, the fact that the terrorist comes out of the mosques and the culture breeds the crazies, if it catches you by surprise. If you cannot predict the mass shootings are going to happen and the effects drugs have on society you might already be dead, and what we cannot anticipate with any precision is when the bomb is going to go off. The awareness comes from the intuition and lasting tradition, from the inside and more stable to the less, the uncertainty growing as you move to the frivolous surface.

The false morality makes everybody dysfunctional and easy pickings, victim or victimizer, pursued or pursuer, ready for the taken, the thirst, blame and more aggression. It slices through our judgment and creates a distorted perception that contributes to the environment that adds to the misconceptions and on and on. A self-mutilating sadomasochist system based on inflicting pain and selling the fix. Destroying society just like you would a man, generating tension and assigning fault to immobilize, constantly showing the worst moment and short comings to demoralize, using the fringe and sensitivities to grind down, what hurts and causes pain, generating the constant contact and slowly draining out the strength. 

The idea is without god you get caught up in the vacuum of values, in the debt or deficiency, a distance they aggravate by pushing in both directions and keeping you from finding yourself. The bigger the enrichment the worse the damage and the potential reaction, eventually you can’t see the coast anymore, having lost the discretion to the delusion and a class of pro-competition sociopaths that have become something other than human, that promote fantasies and absolute ignorance, anti-science, sexist, racist, belligerent and self-involved that wants to solve everything with a punitive law and more revenues. In one way or another having a problem with our moral condition as a function of society.

We get cough up in the ritualistic enrichment, chasing recognition while pushing the boundaries, building resentment and never finding satisfaction, convinced that certainty is there, escalading the situation only to feed the frustration and make it worse. Locked in these dynamics the tools we use to deal with the problems are mostly the result of cultural influences. Eventually the new reflex shows up bringing out everything we have consumed and we’ve been reprogrammed, not knowing what happened to us or why we even contributed so much. Promoting individual rights and chasing dreams in place of the social guarantees is already part of the collective instinct in the canonized Capitalist-Democracy, the path of least resistance is now in conflict with the moral judgement and we get caught running up hill unable to stop, where the consuming effort is still the easiest route and you get some relieve.

The origins might be clear, the esoteric concepts corrupt the information, and we get caught up in the dynamics and becoming increasingly reactionary, part of problems that actually require the social performance. A level of recognition and anticipation that is being put to the test as a matter of survival, the vision that allows us to adjust the expectations in a different timescale, as a man is better defined by more immediate needs. Man alone cannot solve this problem, it requires the superlative system and the specialized institutions, very slow and deliberate calibrations in order to generate the progress but also slow down the chain reactions, a process that takes place over long periods of time and requires that level of awareness and commitment. 

For human evolution certainty and equality could only be achieved through moral discretion and segregating information rather than people, it placed the burden on the culture and set the clock to the group, civil society is not much of a price. It validated the spaces and a very flexible environment but generated the need for the fixed traditions, which exists because of the freedoms and not in spite of them, because we eliminated selective breeding and other phenomena becomes pervasive if we don’t promote the right behavior.


Generally speaking on the extremes there is no room for compromise or diversity, which is at the bottom of the enrichment and nominal minimization, integrating the answer is possible but it always encounters the problem of the social cost. We cannot talk about certainty without understanding movement, therefore we have to define what quality means for human evolution, what allows us to aggregate value without generating stress. A political condition and the moral imperative are precisely what makes it possible for a heavily cultural species to get along, respect is the result of managing the expectations of a longer curve over a soft horizon that helped us slow time down and defuse the tension, the fluid environment requires the quantitative easing, deliberate movement and moral articulations. When things become part of conventional wisdom and cultural traditions is like wearing close, we have little use for laws and more superficial regulations that call on the generalization to create the short cut back to some security, and that are only meant to support the ability to judge reality, not replace it.

Forever is balance, morality is the social compromise born out of love inexorably connected to aggression and sexuality, which we made very special and personal. It attempts to teach and is patient, flexible and judgmental like you would be with your children, it creates its own antithesis and grey areas without which it doesn’t exist, what is private and public, what is rude, obnoxious and illegal, the smile, the frown and the indignation. It is fluid and adjustable for immediate reciprocity, creating the environment where honesty is possible adding precision to the empathic reason. It is the discretion to the capacity that is life itself, which generates the falling feeling and the ecstasy, but also the fear and the pain, hunger and anxiety, proving that it is all about function and that the sensitivities suffer when we ignore them.

It is essentially the false morality that transforms movement into an imperfection displacing responsibility and the burden. Love is the subliminal consent that needs disambiguation and a code of conduct to manifest, the question that invokes all other questions and rewards time, producing the spaces and behavior necessary to regenerate and survive, the evolutionary assumptions where all conflicts take on a relative meaning or become mundane. It is the lifeline and the empathic connection, the motivation of perpetuity and the pain of procreation, the prerogative of movement and sharing the resources. It is music and rhythm to the lyrics, the suggestion and the destiny…you have to feel it and choose it.

The reaction to pressure almost always prevails making us connect to almost anything and even implode when the values get no traction. It generates the pathologically jealous system that attributes disproportional significant to innocuous details and becomes abusive and deceitful, being late, too serious or happy, a look, a smile, or a gesture, everything could be incriminating, you are now the sinner in need of treatment or a new rule, a new even more restrictive line.  Love requires the respect, society and man, the awareness and the enjoyment, morality and the freedoms complement each other. Like the wings that allow birds to fly is not one or the other. They are as much the result of the expansion of empathy, the inclusive soft landing versus the extremely punitive selective breeding apprehensive aggression.

How can a society survive the High Stakes Vegas Economy? There is danger in removing the filter and propagating pernicious information, concepts and belief systems that obstruct development and corrupt society. In addition, whole civilizations have gone off the deep end but haven’t taken the entire world with them, something that seems plausible today.

The Dismantling of America and the West

What the world needs to know before we destroy ourselves. This is my experience with the dismantling of America and the West. The truth is t...