Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Committee of 300

The Bank of England assumed control of the United States when its agent J.P. Morgan took over 25% of American business during the T.R. Roosevelt administration (1901-1909). The hackers were part of a network called the “Club of the Isles” which is a secret society of predominantly European aristocrats that includes the Queen. The Club of the Isles is thought to be a variation of the Committee of 300 founded by the British aristocracy in 1727. They are the heirs to the Venetian oligarchy, which infiltrated and subverted England from the period 1509-1715 establishing a new, more virulent, Anglo-Saxon strain of the oligarchic system of imperial Babylon, Persia, Rome, and Byzantium... The Financial Oligarchy behind the power of the Windsor throne.

 In 1917, Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich wrote in his book “The Secret Government or Hidden Hand” that it was headed by the Rothschild Family and International Financiers based loosely around many of the top national banking institutions and royal families of the world. Arthur Cherep Spiridovich was a Russian loyalist and author on metapolitics who moved to the United States following the Jewish usurpation in Russia in 1917.

The Committee of 300, also known as The Olympians, seem to be a variation of The Elders of Zion and the Red Menace. It is believed to be an international council that runs front organizations, government agencies, banks, insurance companies, international businesses, militaries, the petroleum industry, and thousands of other entities and foundations with the aim of controlling the world.

In more recent times The Club of Rome has been one of the most important foreign policy arms of the Committee of 300, along with the Bilderberger. It was put together on the basis of a call made by the late Aurellio Peccei for an urgent drive to speed up the plans of the One World Government. Peccei’s call was answered by the most subversive “future planners” drawn from the United States, France, Sweden, Britain, Switzerland and Japan that could be mustered. During the period 1968-1972, The Club of Rome became a hub of globalists, progressives and internationalists of every stripe. Peccei’s book “Human Quality” formed the basis of the doctrine adopted by NATO’s political wing. 

Central to the formation of the Club of Rome was Peccei’s concept of the problematic that viewing the problems of mankind individually and in isolation, or as “problems capable of being solved in their own terms”, was doomed to failure. “It is this generalized meta-problem (or meta-system of problems) which we have called and shall continue to call the “problematic” that inheres in our situation”. He referred to a “collective responsibility” which he them uses against the concept of independent nation-states to promote the elitist globalization.

Peccei never tired of preaching against the nation-state and how destructive they are for the progress of mankind. He called for “collective responsibility.” Nationalism was a cancer on man was the theme of several important speeches delivered by Peccei. His close friend Ervin Lazlo produced a work in 1977 in a similar vein which was called “Goals of Mankind,” a landmark study for the Club of Rome. The entire position paper was a vitriolic attack on industrial expansion and urban growth. Throughout these years, Kissinger, as the designated contact man, kept in close touch with Moscow on behalf of the RIIA. “Global modeling” papers were regularly shared with Kissinger’s friends in the Kremlin. 

The Committee of 300 had decided the multitudes of useless consumers depleting scarce natural resources were to be discarded in order to build a “better world”. This called for an attack upon Christianity; the slow disintegration of industrialized nations, the elimination of hundreds of millions of people referred to by the Committee of 300 as surplus population, and the removal of any leader who dared to stand in the way of the Committee’s plans to reach their global objectives.

They demand the suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee for the requirements of the same. Especially targeted is the nuclear energy program as it relates to nuclear waste.  Nuclear power is because the Club of Rome called upon the environmentalist movement to wage a war on nuclear energy and provided also the financial support. If nuclear energy was cheap and abundant Third World countries would gradually become independent of U.S. foreign aid and begin to assert their sovereignty…. Less foreign aid would mean that nations couldt take control of their destiny which was an abhorrence to the Club of Rome. We have seen opposition to nuclear power in the United States successfully used to block industrial development in conformity with the Club’s “Postindustrial Zero-Growth” plans. 

They aim to cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people, people they call useless eaters. Since the 2008 crash the starvation method has taken root in the first world countries also, all administered by the Zionist leaning, therefore a cult of Futurism network in the Evangelical cults. The Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title the Global 2000 Report and was accepted and approved for action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the US Government, and accepted by Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State.

Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the United States is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.  They also aim to weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment. As jobs dwindle due to the postindustrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demoralized and discouraged workers will resort to alcohol and drugs.

The youth of the nations have been encouraged by means of music and gangster rap and the drugs that go with them to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and destroying the family unit.  Next came the media obsession with sex and masculinity allowing for the changes in legal statutes of the married couple, eventually removing the male from the family unit enough to influence the children, who would be primed for the programs by corporate academia to be gay, bisexual, transsexuals, and prone to decadent lifestyles etc.…
In this regard the Committee of 300 commissioned the Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. The “experiment” in compulsory racial integration in the U.S. was organized by Ronald Lippert, of the OSS and the American Jewish Congress, and director of child training at the Commission on Community Relations. Their techniques are designed to break down the individual psychologically and render him helpless against the dictators of the New Order, break down their sense honor and patriotism, racial identity and cultural heritage. The program which was used as a weapon of mass control was labeled Aquarius.

The World Court were to make local institutions of lesser effect by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the United Nations. The mechanics of this method shall remain concealed in the use of unaccountable charitable trusts. Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations represented by them. Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place.

The Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions is an Olympian stronghold. Located in Santa Barbara, it is housed in what is affectionately called the Parthenon. Former Representative John Rarick called it an outfit loaded with Communists. By 1973 work on a new United States Constitution was in its thirty-fifth draft which proposes an amendment guaranteeing environmental rights, the thrust of which is to reduce the industrial base of the US to a mere whisper of what it was in 1969. In other words, this institution is carrying out Club of Rome zero-growth postindustrial policies laid down by the Committee of 300.
Some of its other aims are the control of economic cycles, welfare, regulation of business and national public works, control of pollution. Speaking on behalf of the Committee of 300, Ashmore says the function of the CSDI is to find ways and means of making our political system work, we must consider a new US Constitution and a Constitution for the world. . .

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