Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Humanity has a virus

Remaining anonymous was essential to generate the subliminal pressures and set the world on fire, the ridiculous quest of mutual nullification and the dehumanizing cost of competition, corrupt the cultures and through enrichment negate the relationships that sustain life, the distance between the demand and the capacity, space and time, the truth and the lie. The only true creation was the creation of God and the financial churches, the addiction that grinds you down, loading you with explosive potential, the metaphysical paradox that produces the hole in your reality and makes you come undone.

Meet the perpetrators and the real missing link in human history, extraterrestrial beings we’ve come to know as Deities, Master Race and the Eye of Providence. They are the forces behind secret societies like the Illuminati and the Freemasons, and the conspiracy we know as The New World Order. It is they who have been operating incognitos, playing God and the devil, shifting the arguments and blurring the lines, using human surrogates in a franchise manner to make us fight amongst ourselves in wars where they suffer no casualties and can always distance themselves from one side or the other.

Entrenched in our means of communication and politics they are in constant conversation with us, testing our understanding and enriching the environment to “consume”. Leaving signs of their presence in our cultures and language. They use a parasitic approach, mystify, confuse and eviscerate, and constantly work on corrupting the information. They will paralyze and attack the sin, the right-left grind, and put a price on socioeconomic integration, promoting mostly a chaotic universe, the immaculate emancipation and liberal collectivism. This is what we know as Religion and the Paranormal, but also the apocalyptic New Liberal Order, the progressive movement and Globalization.

The Dismantling of America and the West

What the world needs to know before we destroy ourselves. This is my experience with the dismantling of America and the West. The truth is t...