Saturday, December 9, 2017

Excerpts From My Journal

Starting about four years ago I was put through approximately six months of some intense energy radiation targeted at my head, right after that they started with this awful chanting day and night making it impossible do anything much less sleep. Before that I spent years getting hit dozens of times a day with some kind of painful beam, which sent me to the hospital several times….

09-03-2017 They have used different technologies in the last seven years on me. I think it could end up killing me. I’m trying to leave a record in a book and a couple of Facebook Pages that for now they are blocking….It is worse than that though, they have plans that include Global Warming as part of the New World Order.

10- 04-17 4.00 PM. It’s been the most terrible day so far, the dry rain is been falling along with the chanting and the promise that I will have to kill myself or suffer a horrendous death. It has become very explicit, volunteering that they wouldn’t let my go out today as I feel the worst effects of the assault.

10-31-17 The sun is “shining bright” in my house, some kind of energy producing weapon that is generating a heat one can feel it in your skin. It hasn’t been the worst day or even as bad as yesterday but it still pretty bad, and it can turns ugly really quick. Now a days the contact is almost constant I don’t have a moment of peace. Today some crazy guy run over a crowd of people in New York and killed at least eight. I seems to be happening every day…..

11-02-17 Much worse today, it is five in the afternoon and the satellite has not stopped firing down on my house. I have barely any energy. Last week I was able to go to the gym a couple of times but that does not seem possible for now. They insist that they don’t have a place for me, they should’ve say us, in this planet. I hope that instead of me it is the legacy I would be dying for that transcend

11-03-17 It is now 9.37, they’ve been torturing me with that radiation nonstop for most of the day and insisting that I kill myself, like Robin William, Chester Bennington and Alexis Arguello.

11-05- 2017 It is 12.05 in the morning and I woke up with chest pain and the chanting…I’m not letting you go…I can’t let you go…You don’t know what you’ve done…How hard we worked to get here…

11-08- 2017 Today they made their presence obvious, I was able to count at least nine. It flashed lights way up in the sky at the same time it was telling me: That is us, I know you can see the red lights. This is us, we are here…This happened around 6.30 PM and for the next few hours I’ve been subjected to the intense radiation and the air has becomes rear and difficult to breathe. It rarely stops communicating what it could do to me. Phrases I have come to be familiar with…

11-09- 2017 It is 5 o’clock now and I was woken up by a very intense assault. The dry air waters my eyes and produces the gaging effect, sometimes I throw up. The chanting continues- I’m going to kill you, I’m going to kill you…on and on…

It’s 7.40 in the morning and it is still hitting me, the arid conditions seem to suck the fluids out of the body…

It’s now 10.00  AM It is still going I’m in really bad shape, head is burning up…

It is now 7.00 in the evening and it’s only gotten worse. I’m developing a temperature, the hot radiation has not stopped and the chanting is incredibly aggressive - I am killing you….I am killing you…you will cry, You cannot do what you did - It is impossible for me to express the brutality of the assault today. Feels like a microwave oven…

It is 4.00 in the morning once again I awaken by the chanting and the dry heat, strange sounds coming out of me…Ahi tatico – what I was called when I was a tootler - You are going to die….You can't say the things that you've said…

11-10 In the last few days I have received the longest electric shock in the history of mankind….I’m in a daze. Today seems to be targeting my head again and the chanting continues. It is usually in Spanish – Maricon!!!!…maricon!!!!.

11-11-2017 I received one of the biggest shots overnight, my skin is red from the shoulder up. Over the years I’ve been knockout and received contusions, sent to the hospital with broken arms and broken legs,…and other internal injuries I cannot asses. The concentrated for almost two year on the spinal cord and have seemingly caused some neurological problems.

It is 6.00 PM Fire and Screaming all they, a constant reproach together with the electrifying regrets of what has just occurred, awkwardly emotional and menacing….

10.53 Chanting continues…You know we warned you today… You know you have to kill yourself !!!. Earlier today I received a shock to the heart area that lasted for a while, worst feeling I ever had…though I was going to die…

11-12 - 17 You are going to do it….You are going to kill yourself…It has been a better day although not completely uneventful. It just started firing down that hot air that makes me sick really fast. During the day it took a shot at my left shoulder and I made me believe it had injured me mortally, actually was very explicit about it. I tried to stay calm since they’ve done it before. They just started targeting my ankle, the pain is unbearable. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-13 - 17 I fell that thing hitting me in the chest like a heat wave almost every time I seat in the couch. Today they said; Humans have to go!!!  One the most disturbing things is the constant conversation as it tries to make you buy into the rational of destruction, like some form of parasite or virus.

1.43 Now a days it does not want to slow down, it’s on a near frantic pace, a typical theme is calling me Mamifero which is Spanish for mammal – I want to do this!! I want to do this!!!...I have to kill you!! I have to kill you!! They chant. Cold rain today.

7.32 The dry rain is horrible, makes feel like you are shocking soon. It’s been going on for hours, the hateful rhetoric is only matched by the pain

It’s 9.35 now and it hasn’t stopped, desperate situation.

It seems to have worked its way to permanent contact, a permanent beam that is driving me crazy, feel like I’m being cooked sometimes. They say I cannot get passed what I did, to which I say I can own it, to which they say No you didn’t do it.

Seems to have knocked out half a tooth and be cutting me in the tongue, the sadist is calling it play by play too

11-15-17 It is four in the morning and it woke me up with a few shocks, now I feel the dry rain and the rage in the lament…It was you It was you...You know what’s up…You Know what’s up…You are going to have to kill yourself…

It is 11.35 in the evening and the dry rain is making me want to throw up. It has been a better day but is taking a turn for the worse now…It’s setting my tongue and scalp on fire somehow…WTF

11-16 -17, It’s been going on all night and all day, no energy. I think they are crucifying me…

11-18 -17 5.30 AM, Woke up shocking, my throat closed up after probably hours of that radiation like they do almost every night in my sleep. They were chanting…I can’t let you go!! I can’t let you go!! During the day they kept doing the same thing, I think is an attempt to keep you somewhat unaware of reality… You caught me!!!. You caught me!!! You owe me!!!

11-19 -17 It was burning throughout the night and yesterday all day

11-20 It has continued today, could barely get up all day…You know I’m going to hurt you if you don’t do what you have to do, they say….The savagery of the assault can only be compare to the hateful rhetoric and the disdain for humanity which is always present. My reaction seems to have shock in the system, something about human performance and the expectations.

Is this the moment of proof where everything converges, the father the son and the holly UFO…? The Liberal Utopia and man himself, Jesus and Guevara… Am I, are we being crucified? There will be no evisceration or emasculation thought; that has been negated by the sacrifice of millions.

It is 7-30 and it has been firing most of the day, the situation is desperate, eyes are itchy and the mind kind of numb, the muscles in my face tighten in a strange grind. It’s pressing against my trip to Spain tomorrow. The viciousness is incredible in the sustain radiation and the rhetoric.

12-05 -17 Just came back from ten days in Spain where I thought I would find some relieve. The assault there wasn’t anywhere near what it is here. It felt like I was on the edge of some capacity, but it has been relentless once again since I got home. Seems to have taken another chunk from the left side of my face, specifically my jaw, like it did the forearms…It is still working on some kind disfigurement or aging project that could be camouflage.

12-08 - 17 The last couple of days have been relatively light but still much stronger than in Spain, today it has keep the pressure all day and the lament and chanting continues…I can’t let you go…I can’t let you go…With a few minutes to go.!!!!

It’s 1.00 in the morning and they just decided to attack with the chanting and the offences…Do you know how long it took to get to this point? They ask. My wife and I are finally broken up, I’m looking to move away but I’m stock, my Cuban passport and my Che T-Shirt disappeared. They use me for the ransom and we help keep me prisoner?  

12-10 They’ve been hitting me nonstop since I came back with the dry “air” along with the chanting, feels like something wants to break inside,. Societies massage seems to be the same….I was always going to kill you…la nina no puede ni con su alma…Maria no puede ni con su alma…Kill yourself…do it for them!!! –

12-11 It’s been hitting me today with the cold wind that seems to have more of an immediate effect and still chanting…They can’t do it…They can’t lift the ban on you….They have to hold you down for me!!! Die!!!!!!!!!!! Die!!!!!!!!!!!

12-12 It has sustained the pressure with one or another form of radiation, my skin is getting tight and my face feel like I got a suntan. Through the years it has referred to people as “pencos”, as in week and afraid, but I have refrained from commenting on that. Son unos pencos…Son unos pencos!!! Nadie nunca te va a ayudar!!!!...meaning They are a bunch of chicken.They are never going to help you.

12-13 It’s 4.48 In the morning and I wake up with that feeling in my skin, I’m under attack…All this has happened since I tried to publish five versions of the book. The attack in Las Vegas, The fire in the Argentinian submarine San Juan, The terrorist attack in the New York subway…not to mention the earthquake in Mexico and Hurricane Maria.

12-14 They’ve been hitting since early in the morning and chanting…I’m killing you right now! I’m killing you, what have you done to me! They say they messed up this twelve year old girl we know who needed spinal surgery in other to make Maria kick me out the house, don’t know if it’s true, implies they would do it to one of my kids. The ghost is incubating using the means of commination and moral currencies. That’s way our temperature is going up and the environment is decaying. It uses a parasitic approach that requires ignorance and the silence.

12-15 It is 4.00 AM and once again I wake up under attack. It seems to be conducting some kind of experiment or ritual they might have performed many times. Generally handicapping the right side of my body concentrating on specific parts, leg, arm, shoulder, eye and face in general. The have claimed to be attacking some artery that can cause death around the right shoulder, very painful since yesterday along with the right eye.

12-16 1.30 AM, under attack again, it is hitting me in the thought, it so intense it’s drawing “unemotional” tears….It keep on almost all night along with the chanting and the radiation, one of the worst night ever. I sticking to not writing at all in the other fronts. I remain completely marginalized from society, my family and having any access to resources… I don’t want to hear one argument about why you keep me here, it makes you a miserable in my eyes and weak in theirs, it is immoral, irrational, and it’s hurting many people.

 6.00 PM They seem to be using some diversionary tactics to make it seem like some things are more normal than they are and basically displace some blame. It is as awful as it has ever been, won’t last in this environment. The satellite or ship has been breathing fire down on my house in Miami all day, I haven’t had a break in a weak.

12-17 -17 They kept me flat “out” on the cough all they, I don’t know if I was sleeping or what, but I was feeling the influence. They’ve done this when they want to displace me, you wake up confused and forget the positions you had adopted before.

It’s 1.18 AM I was once again woken up with some ray hitting me and the chanting. I want to kill you…I want to kill you all !!! They say this time.

It’s 3.53 AM It’s still hitting me with something that feel hot on the skin, specially my back. Die!!! Die!!! Die!!! No quieren ayudarlo!!! No quieren ayudarlo!!! Esa es la angustia!! Por eso le doy mas duro!!! Palante’ …Palante…Palante…Los Negros son Ingleses…Los negros son Ingleses…It’s been a while since I smelled that foul smell of burning tissue from inside of me.

 11.45 I just got hit with something big that made my blood pressure go down, thought I was going to faint. The dry rain keeps falling making me feel sick, weird noises start coming out of me again. It keeps promising that is going to increase the pressure, possibly hurt my kids if I don’t end it by killing myself.

12-19 I was just awaken with the radiation burning on my skin, it is red. Pure agony. I think I need a hospital…..

 5.14 PM I have been subjected to one of the biggest assaults yet in the last few days. My skin feels tight can only wonder what’s happening inside.

4.15 It is still going on along with the chanting…If you don’t kill yourself you are going to be in excruciating pain…

12-20 4.00 AM It is still going on, I think it might be doing it so I don’t try to leave again, this might be it. I think we made a big mistake, we capped it off and worked within those pressures, starting with the limitation of probation, the books, the FB pages, and the funds, no helping hand in months if not years now, not even family. Although I understand some of it.

12-21 Today is three years since my father passed away. Other than that it has been a normal day: some kind of radiation always hitting me and the chanting…I cannot let you go!! “Exito no Existe” which mean “there can be no success”. I feel like I am fed and cloth only to keep me in place for the torture. Today I was also denied SSI assistance, what an irony.

12-23 5.00 AM It comes to kill at night, immeasurable brutality and pain, even for this…Die!! Die!!! Muerete!!! Muerete!!! Mamifero Pagame!!! Mamifero Pagame!!! I like to do this, I like to do this!!!

12-25 3.11 AM The chanting woke me up..Te estoy matando!!! Te estoy matando!!! Maribel!!! Maribel!!!...Another casualty I’m guessing. The air is so dry one can barely breathe it. I need HELP…Maldicion!!! Maldicion!!! Maldicion!!!

12-26 Today I’ve received two big hits to the head, left side of the face feels a little numb and the left eye is crying. It has been the most horrible few days, head hurts and I feel the radiation in the shoulders to the bone, it’s also burning in the back.

12-27 -17 11.30 PM I have spent most of the day passed out. I have no energy, strange sensation all over my body.

12-28 It’s 4.25 AM and I wake up with that heat hitting me and the chanting….

It’s 4.00 PM now, I’m under a vicious attack, they are hitting on the ankle with some ray and doing Corinthian again, along with the everyday radiation….Because you couldn’t do what you wanted I hit even more, I hit you again, and again, and again, and again. They say. Not one familiar face, not one helping hand…incredible.

12-30 6.49 AM I woke up with my back burning up and strange sounds coming out of the left side of my thorax. Some fluid or blood moves around when I turn in bed. The satellite has not stop firing down in weeks now. This is an assault on humanity, and still the chanting…I cannot let you go!!! I cannot let you go!!!

I’ve heard other things like “You are not human” “I have to kill you, but I’m not going to be the one who did it…You don’t understand how that works”. I guess it’s talking about willful denial, counting on “the sin” they’d like to ride to the end…

The psychological torture is incredible, “Ahy maricon, you can’t do it, you can’t do it, you can’t kill yourself. I’m going to kill your family if you don’t do it!!! They’ve also been saying for a while.

01-02 -18 It’s 4.15 AM I woke up feeling the effects of that machine. It’s unfathomable that this is really going on under everybody’s noses…Te estoy matandote!!! Te estoy matandote!!! What they are doing now to me every hour of the day goes beyond criminal, is a kind of savagery I’ve never even heard of.

It’s 2.40 AM and I’m under a vicious attack….Decide you kill yourself or I kill you!!! They say.

01-03-2018 They also been calling me Cicero often and used some kind of parasitic rational that would make you harm yourself, things like….You can’t even kill yourself, you can’t even do it!!! Don’t do this, don’t do that!!! Seems to be related to paranormal or parasitic relationships, the ghost and host relation.

01-05 That machine continued to hit me throughout the night in the neck and head area with that energy radiation. As I write this they scream. Don’t do exito!!! Don’t do exito!!! Don’t you do this!!! Don’t you do this!!! Showing great levels of frustration but also the way they suck up of the energy and the will out of you. They continue Die!!!Die!!!Die!!! as they hit me in the legs and back with the cold wind that causes a lot of pain.

01-06 It’s five in the morning and I woke up feeling like it was burning a hole through my back…Targeting the lungs or the spine. It has been the worst night yet, if that’s possible…Die!!! Die!!! Die!!!

01-08 Another night of agony, the house is a microwave oven and my back in burning up. The conversation has been constant…You know what I what you to do, and you know what I can do…you have to kill yourself!!! Cicero you’re dying, you’re dying.

01-12 Entiendelo te estoy matando, te estoy matando, tu tienes que entenderlo…It hit me with something big, my blood pressure when down and I got really cold, started throwing up and collapsed to the ground…Die Maricon!!! Die Maricon!!! Die Maricon!!!

01-14 The assault is very vicious today, it is keeping some kind of ray concentrated on my neck and shoulder. It’s driving me crazy. Die!!! Die!!! Die!!!

01-16 It is hard to explain, the radiation is constant and my energy levels are going down. The chanting with the vicious, vicious message does not stop….You are dying!!! I am killing you!!! You are going to die!!!

It’s been hitting me with the radiation all day and screaming Die maricon die!! Die maricon die!!!

01-18, Another horrible night…Pay me!!! Pay me!!! Pay me!!!

It’s using this voice from the pits of hell saying You know you are going to die!!! for weeks now, that could by itself make jump of a bridge. It’s been hitting me on and off in the back, and I think my heart might be affected, feel light headed and fainted most of the day.

I’m eviscerating you!!! It was on all night…They are definitely killing me

01-21 Now a days the radiation is constant and the chanting is reduced to Die!!! Die!!! You have to Die!!!

01-22, The radiation was concentrated on my head al night, my throat hurts. It continues saying…I am killing you right now!!! I am killing you!!! It seems to take pleasure in it.

It is 5.41 PM, It has been one the most stressful days yet. They keep hitting me with the radiation and today they’ve concentrate the energy beam on my throat….As usual; Die!!! You will die!!! You have to die!!!

01-23 It’s been two of the most horrendous days, there is no hiding from “the sun”. -horrible sounds come out of my body. This is what I do I kill humans, I’ve been doing this for a long time. You have to die, but you want to do it the hard way…..They say

01-24 Woke up to the chanting, the skin burns…..

01-27 I woke up convulsing in bed and realized immediately the radiation was intense. I try to go back to sleep and again stated convulsing, this happened three or four times.

01-30 It’s been raining nonstop day and night for days now, skin feels tight and I have no energy….I’m not going to stop!!!They say

02-01 It’s 5.50 AM. The radiation hasn’t stopped all night along with the chanting. I’m killing Jesus!!! Maybe this is what needs to happen for the truth to come out.

02-10 It’s been a while since I made an entry, the days are betters but not normal, I still feel the radiation and the voices saying You have to die!!! You are dying!!!

02-10 It’s three in the morning, I just woke up to the chanting again, and feeling really sick. The radiation hasn’t stopped for days, my blood pressure is crashing two or three times a day….

It’s 10.00 in the evening, I’ve been under the most horrendous attack for the last two or three hours. The cold wind is causing a lot of pain. My legs and my hands have been swelling up the last few days.

02-12 The attack is vicious. It’s been one of the worse days yet, the brutality of the assault is impossible to describe…Die maricon!!! Die maricon!!! Die Maricon!!! As it hits me, over and over, and over for hours at a time, in the chest and legs, and the throat.

02-13 It’s been a very difficult few days, I took the hardest shot so far to the left side, it’s hard to walk, move or even breath. My stomach are is all swollen.

02-16 They keep telling me they can’t let me go, an implicit reference to the manuscript “The New World Order’s Missing Link”, that I have to dye. It has gotten more aggressive specially in the wake of the Parkland massacre…you know how they operate.

02-17 The cold wind got me while I was sleeping, a lot of strange sounds coming out of my body. They seem to be riding the Parkland massacre plus they put my son on another plane. Leverage, enrichment it’s what they do, tends to silence people.

They day was going a little better than most, then I learnt that another family member has been diagnose with cancer…..

02-22 What a horrible night, I am killing you right now!!! I am killing you!!! There is nothing you can do!!! They shout and seem to relish in it.  I think I’m feeling the compounding effects of these attacks, strange sounds coming out of me. They seem to think nobody is going to take notice of my name Jesus G. Cruz.

02-23 It is 2.00 AM and I am awaken again. The vitriol nature of this attacks overnight is inconceivable. They’ve been picking up the pace, the rain of radiation doesn’t stop now.

02-24 It has been the worst day of my life, at some point it fixed on my chest and I started getting in serious trouble. I thought I was going to pass out, then I just keep on for hours. Once again they show up, at least five of them and continue the harassment and the psychological torture.

02-26 You have to die!!! You have to die!!! You have to accept it and let me kill you!!!...They continue to communicate. Confucius said “They always have to kill the righteous”. This is obviously associated with a performance and the Manuscript. By the way today is my birthday.

03-02 It keeps hitting me somewhere inside on the left side, I has already shown me the capacity to consume tissue and disfigure some parts of my body. 

03-06 The last few days have been the same. It has taken this to another place. It’s like been consumed by a giant monster, a combination of hits to left side of my thorax, radiation and constant talking and screaming to keep me in a sort of catatonic state that also produces moments of hysteria.

03-09 I thought I was going to die last night. The heart seemed to be the most affected. Blood pressured dropped and I started throwing up. It’s 5.00 O’clock in the afternoon and it is still going on. It keeps telling me that I have to die and it’s at least hurting pretty badly.

03-14 They did the same thing today. Seems to be concentrating on the heart, may be picking up the pace.

03-18 Vicious, vicious, vicious attack. I can’t put words into it anymore…You have to die!!! I have to kill everybody that gets in my way!!! I kill you all!!! Die!!! Die!!! Die!!!

03-19 Right now I going through an intense mental and psychological assault after a few nights of intense physical assault. Seems to be breaking me down physically and mentally.

 03-24 Die Maricon!!! Die Maricon!!! We just hate you!!! We hate humans!!! We like to hurt humans!!!.....I hear this almost all they long, I have to say again, I didn’t think anything could be this sadistic and vicious, have this kind of taste for misery and pain. It is after all the relationship with pain that makes humans special and an intelligent species, different from the rest of the animal kingdom.

I go to the kitchen and the bedroom and the living room trying to get away from the sun, and curl up in the sofa and try to hold on. Sometimes they crank it up and I convulse and nearly throw up and get up again and walk around the house, but there is no getting away from the sun. This happens almost every day now, because they think that killing me they can get rid of it all. They say they can’t let me go. That’s not what they do this. Once they take a hold of you you know you’re done for good. And it’s all done very quietly as if it wasn’t happening, so they can do it again, and again, hit you with disdain and wrap up in that pain till you can breathe any more, till you're forced to find a way out.

03-27 After a brief reprieve, the attack has been brutal the last couple of day, the way they are keeping that weapon on me and the verbal assault is literal out of this world. I have no frame reference for such viciously sadistic behavior. It can but doesn’t finish me off, and without a doubt thoroughly enjoys my suffering, not to mention they have expressed their disdain for humanity often. I am almost one hundred percent sure that is part of some adaptive parasitic behavior that is also affecting them on evolutionary levels, human lexicon seems to be some kind of aphrodisiac (it could be fake).

It attempts to talk constantly and keep it in a daze as it assaults the body, like a virus. That way you are not able to react. It will though pay any price to keep the grip and the parasitic approach going.

They’ll use a parasitic approach, they will inhibit, paralyze and will attack the sin, the right/left paradox. They will constantly work on corrupting the information and creating interference; Mystify, Confuse and Eviscerate. This is what we know as paranormal and UFOlogy, but also end of day’s capitalism, religion and the American nightmare.

04-04 It has been one of the most horrible days. That radiation burns in the skin, feels like needles everywhere, and the hateful rhetoric is incredible. Te estoy matando!!! Te estoy matando!!! I’m Killing You!!

04-06 I think it is literally eviscerating me. It has already shown the capacity to consume tissue without causing pain and disfigure parts of the body. It has to do with something they do to the spinal cord and the nervous system. We need to record this for posterity, future generations need to know what they are doing to me and my family. They choose to put it on display.

04-10 It is 4.54 in the morning I was just awaken by a hit that is making my insides rumble and the awful chanting.

04-16 It’s been raining today like most days….I need you to die!!! Now you die!!! I need to hurt human!!! They say now.

04-17 My left lung most be a really bad shape, it feels with fluid that moves around producing horrible sounds, at the same time they keep screaming You are dying!!! You are dying!!! They seem to have a sadistic taste for pain and death.

04-17 My left lung most be a really bad shape, it feels with fluid that moves around producing horrible sounds, at the same time they keep screaming You are dying!!! You are dying!!! They seem to have a sadistic taste for pain and death.

04-30 it’s hitting me with something that causes you to move constantly. It is exhausting, it wont allow me to stop as if you had some kind of Parkinson. I just need you to die!!! I just want you to die!!! In a frantic scream.

05-07 It’s raining something cold that does not let me stop moving, for weeks now. It also causing some swelling of the stomach area…Brutal

05-08 It’s four in the morning and it wakes me up with that constant motion. It’s trying to break me maybe to where I kill myself….

5-9 Perpetual motion….Help!!!

5-13 They woke me up since 2.00 AM with that constant movement, it’s excruciating.  

05-14 Same brutality going on today….HEllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllP!!!!!!

05-15 Yesterday was one of the most horrible days, today is shaping up the same way. I need you to die!!! I need you to kill yourself!!!....

It’s 8.41 PM It is hitting me with something that burns in the skin and saying: That is it, now you die!!! Now you die!!......I have an eruption on my back that kind of coincided with the eruption of Kilauea and doesn’t seem to heal.

5-19 It’s been raining hard for a couple of days, I don’t know how anybody could survive this. I guess they rather have a dead Jesus…

05-20. It’s 8.30 PM, It just hitting with the radiation after a few hours of relieve, skin blistering in the back and showing some cumulative effects on my face as well.

05-27 It’s hitting me with the cold wind that seems to do a lot of damage, ominous sounds coming from the left side of the thorax.

06-03 It is 3.00 in the morning, it has concentrated on my neck and head for about twelve hours now, causing incredible pain. My throat is swollen and the eruption in my back is gotten worse. The attack is so vicious is hard to describe. It really begs the question why isn’t more attention placed on this. 

06-05 Another night of horror. It’s concentrated that beam on my head and the back of my neck for weeks now. I have a horrible eruption in the area of the spine that does not go away. 

06-08 They come here to the area of Miami Lakes, they plant a ship over my head and they shot me down every day, telling me that they are killing me (I think this should go viral for the sake of our kids). They just hang there and fire all day with impunity and I don’t know if we event point a camera at them. I feel it in my skin and strange sounds start coming out of my body. They’ve been sending that radiation harder than ever in the last few day. They say I have to die and make references to the manuscript and some of my responses to this egregious attack.

06-09 It keeps sending down that radiation nonstop. Maybe it has made up its mind that keeling me it can wash it all away. You have to kill yourself they say, as they inflict a lot of pain, barely holding on.

06-10 It’s coming down, it’s coming down almost all day long, killing me a little bit every day. The only question is will it finish the job and answer many of our own questions –

6-15 Today they concentrate the beam on my right foot causing the kind of excruciating pain that has sent me to the emergency room so many times. It still seems to be about my response to the original assault and the manuscript. You have to die!!! You have to die!!! I need to hurt human!!! They scream constantly.

6-20 They are causing unspeakable pain and misery and insisting that I kill myself, every minute of the day they are hitting me with something and screaming. You know you have to go!!! I know you can’t live like this! There is no way out unless the problem and me get some recognition.

They say they cannot let me go, they don’t let humans go. Apparently the follow certain people for a long time unbeknown to them until it’s time to reveal their presence and use all the information they have gathered over many years to completely emasculate the person, and possible (according them) finish them off like some kind of ritualist predatory behavior. That seems to fall right in line with eliminating people that diverge from their apocalyptic plans for humanity and the New World Order. 

06-17. It’s four fifteen in the morning and I wake up in a very intense “heat” and my body making all kinds of sounds.

7-02 We are already the victims of a moral and economic assault that involves the penetration of all means communications, subverting popular cultures and a systematic dismantling of our system of laws and social institutions. In this context we get the flood of illegal immigrants and the commoditization of the African American diaspora, after four hundred years of oppression it has some inherent value. We also get the incidents that hurt and stink of oppression to grab us by the nose, using our most basic instincts to lead us to the apocalyptic end.

7-15 The assault has been brutal during the last month, I’m afraid they are really killing me. I feel like I’m slacking or getting tired, although I have concentrated most of effort on YouTube and Internet.

7-17 Another brutal night, they started hitting me yesterday with the “cold wind”, my chest starts making the bubbly sounds. I was able to take some footage of the craft.

07-18 The brutality of the assault yesterday cannot be described. The skin on my back was on fire for hours, I think I passed out from a combination of being tired and the pain around six in the morning. They seem to have combined the assault on me and on us in an all-out assault on my house. It will have greater implications if ten of twelve crafts can gather over my house every day and carry out this attack.

07-19-18 Throughout the night it concentrated the beam on the right side of my body. It felt like a knife was going through my back. It kept waking me up, but all I could do was move.

08-04 The last days have been much of the same thing, the radiation, the “cold wind”, the hot one, the beam concentrated on my foot, the doctors, the clinic. It’s been open season and it seems to be getting worse. I have concentrated my efforts on recording the assault in a different way, videotaping the crafts outside my window. I have constantly been asked to kill myself and referred to as Cicero and Lucido, although my birth name is Jesus, no pun intended.

08-06- 18 Yesterday day came in a large group and hit me really hard through the night. I have tried to call attention to the problem and get some eyes on this. They keep saying things like; You have to go…You have to die…. You allowed man to breath…Los Liberaste, los liberaste. What makes you think you can go on Lucido. You caught me…You caught me

8-17 The assault for the last few weeks has been unbelievable, I am basically showered with that radiation nonstop and they have apparently immobilized me by targeting my right leg and foot. I don’t stop hearing them say…You have to die…You are dying…Te estoy matando…I hate you…over, and over, and over months if not years. The have consistently referred to me as Cicero, Mamifero, and lately Lucido and have conceded that they’ve never tortured anybody like this.

8-26 They like to get you when you are the most defenseless. The pain of that radiation burning in your skin wakes you up, but by then they have been burning the midnight oil for a while. And the chanting, some sadistic tendency, maybe some adaptation, I don’t know.

8-27 Yesterday I felt the pressure on my chest, I cannot quite explain the experience, but imagen somebody grabbing your heart sometimes for two or three hours. You feel light headed and a little short of breath, the body goes somewhat limb and the skin tingles. You know is not pumping right, and your throat starts closing. You die know!!! You die today!!! They kept saying.

09-03 After a couple of relatively calm days in Fort Lauderdale we are back to the radiation. As they hit me they keep saying “You are dying…You need to know that you are dying…We are killing you”…. As sadistic as it sounds procuring a state of desperation seems to be a very important part of this.

09-07 It’s 7.30 and I just woke up, they haven’t stopped hitting me all night with the radiation. The sounds that I make are getting more intense too. I must be killing me slowly.

9-16 It has been one the worst weeks yet, specially today. They’ve been hitting me with that radiation with really bad intentions all day and screaming. Yo te mato…That human dies…Yo te mato…Along with,,,You figured out the addiction…You can’t do what you did…

What happened yesterday should be in the history books. A flood of intense radiation hit me since the morning, death was imminent I thought. My name is Jesus Garcia Cruz.

09-21 It has continued with the same intensity….Chucho you don’t know what you’ve done! They were waiting for us already!

9-24 The radiation is intense. It started around 6.00 PM yesterday, it’s now 3.00 AM. Rib cage hurts, I’m taking a beating….

10-02 It’s been hitting me nonstop with that radiation and taking some shots at thorax. I barely get out of bed. I’m in a really precarious situation, it wants me to kill myself. 

10-08 It is now 12.48 AM. I’m under the most outrageous attack, skin itches and the insides hurt. They say it will keep getting worse until I kill myself…

10-09 Matate ya maricon! I need you to die! You need to die now! This is what we do, we can’t let you go! That is all I hear as they hit me with something.

10-13 Chucho you have to do die!!...” Do die” is how they refer to the process of killing you, fading you out.

10-27 I have not made an entry in a long time, but not because I haven’t been attacked. If fact the attack has been the most brutal ever. There is been a few nights when I though I wasn’t going to make it till the morning, yesterday specially. They concentrated the energy beam on my head and my spine, specially right bellow the neck where the skin is showing ulcers that don’t want to heal anymore. They blame me for figuring out the Millennial Assault. If they end up killing me my account of this contact is contained in My Close Encounter and Western Liberalism..

11-05 They say that I spoiled everything. I guess you can’t argue with that, you almost have to die happy. I that point they would have to be really delusional too blame such and incredible thing just on me, not to mention a whole host of other implications. It is an obscene simplification, but it would be the biggest confession in human history not the canonization.

11-25 I don’t make many entries anymore but things are really bad. They are hitting me with the radiation constantly and my skin is breaking out in many places specially my back..

11-28 1.30 AM. If you want to see a flotilla of UFOs on the attack like a swarm of bees come to Miami Lakes right now, there is a dozen of them out there firing some nasty radiation that has me about to drop or go to the hospital. I can barely move my neck and the chest feels tight, my head hurts and I can’t open my eyes very well. Skin itches my hair has been falling in the last few days. I can’t seem to turn the corner with the ulcers on my back, every time it starts getting better they hit me again, feel like is burning.

01-06 -2019 I haven’t made an entry in a while but it has been the worst moth yet. In the last couple of days they’ve been hitting me relentlessly in the left ankle, and the chest as well as the head. They have been showing up in numbers and conveying to me that they intent to finish everything right now. Often they make references at the work I did on enrichment and the time paradox and the books. 

1-22 -19 Things have deteriorated a lot in the last few months. I barely move from the couch where they hit me with the radiation all day long, asking me to take myself out. The assault on my children has been worse that I though, specially my daughter who is having some health issues. They have been using them more lately to force to do the unthinkable…don’t know what to do anymore.

02-16 It’s 4.00 AM They have been torturing me for about twelve hours with something that really burns. I got some gruesome ulcers on my back. I might have to do it….

The brutality of the moment cannot be expressed in words anymore. Let it serve some purpose for humanity…considering the circumstances we will have paid the cheapest price possible with this confession. Thank my children and future generations. Let it be the right moment of proof as I leave my own testament. The biggest difference today besides the information brought to bare is the speed of the communications.

They keep talking but is obvious they can’t measure up to the worlds they use to describe their own condition. So, they keep trying, we cannot underestimate what our lexicon has done to them. Look like it acts as some kind of barrier, our moral judgment. There seem to be more to the evolution of this interspecies encounter than just a strategy.

I might have learnt some essential things somewhere, but my goal is not to get stuck in some historical corners, so I can be a whole human being. So, I can be all that I can be and ask the "the question" again undisturbed by the miseries of time. I have learnt from my time in the US just as much. In the end there is only one man. That is how I know now there is a trap on the collective ,and respect people that hold on to their traditions. It is also why I rather have some moral values even if they come from religion than no values at all....Maybe because I also know something else I can evaluate the conditions and figure out where I want to go with sober senses.

02-21-2019 Lately they have been concentrating on my left leg and foot to immobilize me and hit me that radiation all day. They keep me on the cough most of the day and take full advantage. I just felt my blood pressure go down. I though I was going to pass out…

003-09 The last few days have been the most horrible ones. My son finally moved out of the house and I don’t know how Maria still holding on, apparently she serves a purpose in trying to keep me from running back to Cuba or Spain. The radiation has been brutal, lasting sometimes days without stopping. The conversation has concentrated of my children almost completely who have also bared the brunt of the attack. The point is to keep me from reacting and shearing my experience either through Facebook, Instagram or trying to promote my manuscripts. They hit me with the “right” and inject the venom with the “left”, that’s the conversation that always tells me it was my fault.

03-15 It is seven in the morning and I just woke up almost screaming from the sharp pain in my right arms. It feels like something is piercing through my bicep, my already torn bicep. I hate you! I hate you! They say. Thing it’s a combination of some truth and keeping it simple and reactionary.

03-20 Chucho me cojiste…I have to kill you!!! It is mostly what I here lately. The constant chanting is numbing. It tends to paralyze you, combined with the serenade on television, the commercials and the incredible pain you end up like a mouse in the snake’s mouth, in shock. Television is a huge tool, they are everywhere specially the pharmaceutical commercials. They seem to serve a special purpose in this scheme of emasculate, eviscerate and disposes of any pride and integrity.

On the flip side my assessment is that they can’t live up to the words they speak but they are used to mitigating the liabilities so they play it to a fault, the “irrational determinism”. The truth is that we have seen the ghost all along in many ways….We should not give into the all or nothing scenario they present at any cost. The softer they environment the harder they seem to hit, at least in my experience.

3-25 The last few days have been very revealing, it turns out that they are using Maria in more ways than I though. She is riding me really hard and has become very abusive. I see that is having an effect on her too. They have been using my children to make her do all these things to me, and to keep me in check as well, they are getting hurt pretty bad.

I think I have herd “te mato” a million times, by now the chanting has not stopped in almost four years. I don’t know how I survive everyday just that part of it….

03-28 The last couple of days have been relatively quite except they’ve been hitting right around the heart very often. I don’t think it is meant to drop me on the spot, I think is mean to keep weakening me. Something’s got to give.

03-29 Today they continue to hit me in “the heart”. They have destroyed my family, my immediate family, my extended family and my Cuban family. Today they say people are going to keep dying as long as I don’t kill myself. I think this is a much bigger emergency because I cannot do that to my children even when they are inflicting unspeakable pay and misery. Today they continue to hit in the “heart” and say that I have to pay for what I discovered (the time paradox).

-          It’s been a few hours my blood pressure seems to be down and my hands and feet get cold. The hits are definitely having an effect.

03-30 I advertise and advertise and Amazon does not credit me with one single sale. Somebody must be taking the money. But what is worse is that this isolation where I can't defend myself is admittedly what brings it to the climax and the horrible pain they are inflicting on my family and all of us...I actually hear that the worlds indifference and cooperation tying my hands down is what makes it possible.

3-31 They were raining that fire on me all through the night, my sky burns and my face is swollen. A think I have heard a million time You have to die!!! You have to die!!!. Still my hands are tied no answer form Amazon.

Many more shots to the heart today and the constant screaming Mamifero you have to die!!! Humans die!!! Humans die!!!

04-02 They are going to keep torturing me and hurting others as long as I remain in this position. I can’t leave and I can’t defend myself anymore. Family has marginalized me now to the point where I don’t know what is going to happen. I don’t want to hurt them anymore and but I cannot find a way out or make a cent on the books, which are not reporting at all.

04-03 I was hit harder through the night with that fire than I had ever been. I can barely stand up, and the rage coming out of them is unbelievable. It’s just who they are, they will play contrary to a fault. They will also enrich the fight and make you feel empowered…

04-16 The last couple of weeks have been horrible. They have increased the assault using a combination of shot the heart area, radiation, the chanting they call Corinthians, and heavily concentrating on my legs so I move around less. They do it especially at night when I’m asleep, I can barely walk…

04-21 The radiation has been very intense for the last few weeks. My skin is breaking out in many places and I feel very weak. They seem intent in causing maximum pain. I don’t know how much longer I can hold on

5-02 The last few days have been more of the same things, lots of that “radiation” showering me and the chanting…Now you die! Now you die! You have to kill yourself! That’s what humans do…You are no different! I’ve been holding on to the fact that my name is Jesus G. Cruz and it seems ridiculous to me that they would just make that “statement”, coming out to humanity like that. It is obvious to me that my name is the reason I’m in this predicament. They also happen to know every detail about my life since before I was born.

They have “branded” me in many places in the body. It is more like disfigurement, but at first it shows like a burn often in very discernable patterns. At the bottom of that seems to be the idea that you won’t even recognize yourself, which is right in line with the whole approach of erasing the memories. They also believe in changing the past, the truth is very relative, if you erase the history it never happened.

I think part of the thought process is, I was never here there for this never happened along with the connection to the Cuban experience and all the implications. It would die with me. I also never wrote the manuscript which they will admittedly suppress from the public…

Getting rid of me is part of the same minimalist logic and attempt to hide the whole history behind this. The enrichment and their own interpretation of reality or rather design. Therefore, it does not make sense, unless we don’t understand it and don’t pay attention. If either one of those things are true they can get away with murder and go with Jesus.

5-13 The last few days have been horrible. They are leveraging their demand that I kill myself of my family and obviously hurting them. They don’t want to abandon me completely but I know it’s just a matter of time…They’ve also mention that they would love to see me in the streets. They’ve been disfiguring some parts of my body in order to emasculate me completely, and seem to have branded something on my right temple, there is an obvious mark on the skin and some tissue missing below.

05-29 The last few weeks feel like the end. They are literally microwaving me alive, and I’m showing the effects. I can barely even write on the journal, all I do is try record more videos and post them on You Tube and Facebook.  It's the millennial, the end of times. I was there with my answer and a human argument...I have not tried to save the world for at least the last four of five years, but if the argument I made every step of the way was not good it would’ve had no effect. The end result is actually a worsening of the conditions for me but more importantly some kind of "take away" the environment should benefit from, depending on its capacity to understand. Furthermore it produces a curve that flirts with some critical mass we are probably completely unable to predict...There is some poetic justice in this though, like many others I'm not in this position by coincidence by we have to meet our destiny with all our might....Doing it for man this time....Millennial Jesus.

6-10 The event of a couple of days ago I can’t barely describe, just the thought of it can send me into a panic, which I think is the idea. They almost literally set me on fire, skin burning, arms burning, face burning. I ended up screaming for hours, they say this event has to end in death, one way or another, but preferably I kill myself. I think there is some symbolism there related to the way they are approaching mankind. Don’t know what is going to happen if they do it again. Some people have suggested I broadcasted life on Facebook or YouTube….

06-18 It is obvious that they have disfigured my face. Some burn marks showed up in my face that turn out to be an effort to reduce my chick bones as part of the continues attempt erase every semblance from my past and emasculate me, so that I might kill myself it seems. It also seems to be symbolic of the more general approach to humanity and part of the way they communicate…
06-28 I haven’t made any entries in the last few days, I really have no words to express the brutality of the moment. All I can do is repeat some of the things they say, and take pictures and videos. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. They keep repeating: You have to kill yourself!!! Muerete Maricon!!! Mueranse Humans!!! Te tienes que matar hijo de puta!!! Tu me cogiste!!! Over and over, day and night. The chanting hasn’t stopped in years, just that is enough to make anybody go crazy. Today they also said: I can’t believe I trapped myself just to collect you!!! So there you have it, collecting dead bodies I guess…

07-19 The skin burns, the face burns. They scream laud “you have to kill yourself”, may be symbolic of the much bigger picture as well. They torture me almost constantly, they fact that I’m still here is only a testament to the love of my family and nothing else - They must be completely frustrated to kill “Jesus” in front of the world. We should not miss this moment. Humanity’s survival depends on it. Mind you my birth name is Jesus G. Cruz

08-21 They keep raining that “fire” on my all day, skin burns, eyes wide open in disbelieve and that awful grin in my face. Eventually you go into shock and you can’t hear nothing but their voices telling you “You have to die”. You only get to breathe when they let go after a day or two, or a week and you are surprised you’re still alive…

09-11 It hasn't stopped all day showering me with that "radiation", wounds hurt, shoulders hurt, and the vitriol rhetoric that comes out. You have to go cubano...I already got rid of you!!!

09-21 I don’t make to many entries anymore because it all sounds the same although they seem to take it to a new level of desperation every time I think I’ve seen the worst. They keep hitting me on the wounds on my back relentlessly and telling me I have to kill myself, that nobody can survive this….Mejor que te mates….Better if you kill yourself, they say.

09-23  Apparently they don’t want much attention on this though. At least this time around. It’s my name, the book. I don't know but they just want to pretend it never happened....

11-13 The last few weeks have been the worse. The pain they are constantly inflicting is unbearable. They continue to scream things like “Yo a ti te mato…te mato…te mato", I will kill you…I will kill you - “It’s better if you kill yourself”….

01-12-2020 I have not made an entry in a long while. I have continued recording videos and just trying to figure this out. But it has gotten progressively worse, today they taise me with some kind of “electricity” precisely where the wounds are over and over to the point of screams….

02-28-2020 What I’m going through is beyond words. The have been raining down that “fire” without mercy sometimes at a frantic pace. I wish I could really end it all…

04=15-2024 The assault continues to this day. I don't know how I'm alive its everyday.

Excerpts From My Journal

Starting about four years ago I was put through approximately six months of some intense energy radiation targeted at my head, right after ...